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life sustainable.

15) Treat all with respect and consideration.

16) Promote a culture of Nonviolence, tolerance and peace.

Look at the 16th principle and you will find that it is nothing but Indian Culture in toto. The ancients said Dasa Putro Sama Druma ( one tree is equal to ten sons ). To counter Deforestation and Desertification, Reforestation is the answer.

Love cognised is Truth
Love in action is Non Violence
Love as feeling is Peace !

Tolerance is one of the best qualities in man. The true mystic is he who tolerates both enemy and friend !

We have two duties – duty unto Caesar ( worldly duty ) and duty unto God ( divine duty ). While one should work and support one’s family, one should also devote one’s time to Nature ! Protecting Gaia is our duty. She gave birth to us.

You can read about the Earth Charter Initiative here.

We are standing at a critical time in the history of our beloved Earth, as many eco problems have arisen. There are depleting water levels, pollution, overpopulation, resource depletion, desertification etc. It is upto us to protect Gaia. Otherwise we are doomed.

The Green Movement, undoubtedly the largest social movement of all time, is transforming the world. People have become more eco conscious. All nations of the world should renew their allegiance to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations and implement the Earth Charter. Then only can the Earth be redeemed !


G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. He gives free tips at and stock market investment advice can be got at He is contactable at Address of his physical shop is Zodiac Computers, 3/528 Tkss Bldgs, East Nada, Guruvayur Kerala, India 680101. Office Phone +91 0487-2552851. Home Phone +91 0487-2422060

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