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The 6 Sex Mistakes Men Make in Bed-Bet You Do At Least One!

Sorry about that.  The odds are all men make at least one some make all six. Then some with none. The exception to rule in the science of evolution.  Either way it does not matter you should want to know them in order to avoid making them in the future.

Everyone makes mistakes. So when it comes to something that your sensitive about, something that means a lot to you then, well, your even more likely to make more mistakes. Sex is just like that too. There will always be mistakes that men make just as there will be mistakes that women make, and the number one mistake women make is not letting men know about the mistakes they are making with them. This is where we must keep the equality idea strong in our hearts.

Man and Woman are Grand Creatures of Spectacular force fueled by the dynamic of intilectual and emotional stimuli. We are equal beings. One of the same thing. We should be bruttally honest with ourselves if we want to truly experience the full potential of our sexual pleasures.We can do this with an prearranged understanding of that honesty. Open court within reasonable and mutual accepted boundaries.

This ultimately means that there are a lot of men out there continually making these mistakes not knowing anything about it. It can take some time to get comfortable with someone before you can feel like you can tell them anything and not worry about it too much. Here are six sex mistakes men make with women, that more than likely will never be told to them. In one or two cases these women might not ever talk to you again!

1. The Differences Between Women and Men Regarding How Sex Feels. Men sometimes think that they know what feels good to women during sex. Lets just be clear

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