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allegories pertaining to the development of the human soul. As an example, we may take the incident where Abraham was asked to sacrifice his beloved son. Almost about to execute his task, he was interrupted by the voice of God saying in substance that it was unnecessary to sacrifice his son (in this context it does not matter whether it was Ishmael or Isaac) but in replacement a goat struggling nearby in the bushes was to be offered instead. This tale when taken at its face value is usually interpreted as a teaching of the principles of obedience and surrender to God. What it really signifies is the sacrifice of one’s carnal self (the goat) instead of the spiritual consciousness (the son), which has to be preserved and fostered in one’s awaking awareness. As was said by John the Harbinger,

“He (the spiritual consciousness) must increase, but I (the carnal self) must decrease.” (John 3:30)

Another allegory containing a principle of value is to be found in the gospels. At face value, when read literally, it conveys little of any importance. But when interpreted spiritually, it transmits to us a certain truth of spiritual application. This principle of truth lies in the incident at the Garden of Gethsemane. We are told in the tale that the Master Jesus was in the Garden with his three disciples who were fast asleep. Seeking companionship from his three followers at his hour of distress proved to be a disappointment. The only recourse was to direct his attention to God. Interpreted spiritually, the three disciples represent the physical, emotional, and mental being of man who are dead to Reality, or “fast asleep.” The incarnated soul (the Master Jesus), having discovered the unreliability of his lower self for

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