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patient associated with a higher center because of a difference in the frequency octave. Heart troubles, for instance, which is associated with a poor functioning of the heart-chakra, a healer polarized in the solar-plexus will find it difficult to heal, because the necessary energies required to correct the patient’s problem is unavailable, inspite the belief that plain unqualified divine energy is sufficient enough to do the work. Without the right level of consciousness, divine energy entering into the healer would simply evaporate having found no correspondence in likeness within him/her. The divine energies entering the healer is qualified with whatever psychic center the healer polarizes himself. The healer may seek to overide this with the exercise of the will and may succeed to a certain degree, but without the correct polarization the healing process will not be optimal. It is therefore, important for the healer to evolve and function on a higher consciousness-level. This is of prime importance in the preparatory stage. Polarization on the highest centers makes the divine energy flowing through all of the other chakras equally accessible.

In the second point to be considered are the causes of disharmony within the physical system. As we have seen previously, the various manifestations of ill health have its major, fundamental causes in the immaterial aspects of man. The psyche of man is twofold: conscious and subconscious, and they play their part in determining one’s overall state of health. Negative thoughts and feelings are self-destructive. If held in the mind for too long without being checked, they would manifest in an unbalanced condition in the body. The conscious mind is responsible with what it feeds the

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