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himself should have long transcended sectarian and dogmatic viewpoints; and whenever possible, he should stimulate people to perceive the narrow perspectives and ill-logic of the many dogmas that bind the mind to a mortal outlook and to an unnatural way of life. It is for this very reason that the inner essence of religion should be taught of having an eternal and real value and not of the ever-changing cloak fabricated by the fallibility of unenlightened man. Dogmas perpetuate a false perception of man’s true spiritual estate, binding people to the unreal world of Maya. Religion comes from a Latin word which means “to bind.” Its purpose is to bind man to God; however, as can be seen by recorded history, by the Inquisition, the Crusades, the so-called Holy wars, etc., it has resulted in a contra-effect separating man from Truth and his Maker. The Nazarene Master taught a religion of love, whereas the priesthood transformed it into a religion of fear and damnation. Pertaining to the above, Frater Achad in Melchizedek Truth Principles says that,

“. . . religious systems have caused man of earth to become weak in his understanding of God.” (1988:76)

In fact, religious bigotry have caused man to blaspheme God daily by allowing his adoration of the idols of false ideas and dogmatic notions. That which is subject to change is false and unreal–actually impermanent; only Truth is unchanging and is eternal. Nothing endures in the material worlds save the Truth that brought humankind into being. It is for this reason that there is no religion that will last forever except for their quintessential core of Truth that lies in the foundation of their existence.

Humanity’s spiritual development moves at an

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