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The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 4

Another point of considerable importance is in the realization that divine revelation is not a static impulse of a moment in time but one that is continuous in the unchanging background of eternity. Divine Laws are no respecters of persons. We may believe in a single revelation of God for humanity for all time and consequently seal ourselves in a cage of human thought, or we may understand the nature of revelations to be forever unfolding its petals of divine truths commensurating with the development of man’s mental and spiritual capacity. In one case spiritual stagnation may result, in the other continued growth. It is, therefore, a good idea for the metaphysician to attune daily with the Divine Mind to uncover the many laws and principles applicable to humanity’s evolution, and to unfold his intuitive and mental faculties that spiritual truths may be easily discerned and assimilated.

Theological dogmas misdirect man’s attention to a false perception and understanding of Reality. For example, we are given absurd theories by the Church concerning cosmology and anthropology which we are to consider as Truth. The Church fails to realize that the progressive modern mind of man requires practical, factual and experiential knowledge. Blind beliefs are out of place and faith without a true foundation no longer fascinates the maturing soul. The true purpose of life is left untouched and unconsidered by the leaders of the Church who prefer instead to build one’s faith upon the dogma of a “sole” Son of God for salvation; of teaching and emphasizing a God of wrath; of an eternal hell which the God of Love was supposed to have created, etc., ad nauseam. One is left guessing as to what Truth is or to what it refers to. The

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