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shining oil,

the purifying oil of the gods,

oil which softens the sinews of man.

With the oil of incantation of Ea,

With the oil of incantation of Marduk,

I have made thee drip;

with the oil of softening which Ea has given for soothing I have anointed thee;

the oil of life I have put on thee.

The practice of Wicca (Witchcraft) was one such ancient practice that was almost decimated by the aggressive onslaught of powerful, evil, organized religions. One of the tactics of organized religions was to hunt and burn so called “pagans” who refused to follow their rules. Spreading fear in the hearts of their ignorant followers by spreading tales about demonic witch spells; they urged crowds to kill anyone who did not profess faith in their God. The leaders of these religions were so ignorant that they weren’t aware that if there was a Satan, it existed only in their minds! Only ignorance, fear and greed can spur someone to hunt and burn another spiritual being.

In spite of these terrible tragedies, older ways of life were magickally preserved and even thrived in many countries. The ancient African traditions, the followers of the 5000 year old Hindu religion in India that still espouses non-violent methods of negotiation instead of confrontation, the Native Americans, and many other cultures still thrive on non Judeo-Christian principles. The Wicca, like many of these other cultures is growing in large numbers, especially in the United States which was created to enable freedom of religious thought.

Wiccans can be traced back to their roots in ancient Europe. They celebrate our innate connection to the spirit world so that they

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