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Joanna Cherry has been teaching about ascension since 1983. Joanna will take people into a meditation for ascension, quickening the frequencies of body, emotion and mind to the highest optimum level for the time. After that, you will travel together by group Merkaba into the ascended master retreat inside Mt Shasta, where each person will receive spiritual gifts through the assistance of one’s own divine self or an Ascended Master(s).

Erik Berglund will be performing for us in concert transporting you into new realms as the soothing voice of the bard complements the crystalline tones of the harp. All of his music is dedicated to healing.

And Susan Isabelle tells her exciting discovery of the 13th Crystal Skull in the jungles of Central America in 2000. She had to first re-entomb a rogue Atlantean spirit-god called the EL Bruto and survive men with machine guns. Afterward, the Maya thrust the genuine 13th skull into her hands saying, “Here! Take IT! We want you to have it!  You’ll know how to use it!” And Susan does know how to use it.

So that is what is going to happen this summer at the Mount Shasta Resort. There will be three different weekend events offered during June, July and August with over 50 presenters, along with many more vendors, all from the Mount Shasta area. These are extraordinary people. Come and meet them and study with them. Find what you are looking for and establish friendships so that if you return to Mount Shasta you will feel welcome and at home here.

Each conference event begins on Friday and goes through Sunday evening. On Sunday there will be an all day outdoor venue with exhibitors and

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