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The Bible Myths ( Part I ) Following the Path of Logic to Paradise!

A writer builds their story around a theme that is designed to stand out in the mind of the reader. If someone were to try and remember a story they had heard a long time ago and draw from memory in an attempt to re-write it, they would not remember all of the details of the story but the main theme. So it was for the stories of the bible.

No one knows the time periods that these stories recorded in the bible actually took place, some have theorized a number of dates and era’s but the truth is that no one really knows! Logic can tell us many things about history if one were so inclined to look. For example; when we envision the ancient Vikings, we see barbaric ocean marauders, like pirates, raiding villages along the sea coasts and rivers of ancient Europe, wearing helmets with horns protruding from the sides.

The ancient Vikings were fierce warriors but I can assure you that they never went into combat with helmets so vulnerable to being knocked off of their heads. These helmets were ceremonial and so when we read ancient descriptions, the writer who might have made mention to this in the original writings was not quoted directly by those who re wrote these stories from memory or possibly even translated from ancient texts. Language changes so frequently in our history that one generation can barely understand literally the language of the last. Can you imagine the translation issues we have attempting to translate something that is hundreds or even thousands of years old? Often logic is not part of the writers’ agenda, even when the object of the writing is non-fictional!

Man has never been so primitive so as not to protect themselves from injury or death to the best of their ability when they went into

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