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The Bible of Sex Magic and Enlightenment

List Price: CDN$ 21.27

Price: CDN$ 20.32

Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover

Rating: (out of 5 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 20.26

Price: CDN$ 14.11

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5 Responses to The Bible of Sex Magic and Enlightenment

  • J. Dougherty says:

    Review by J. Dougherty for Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover
    BY Christopher S. Hyatt and Lon Milo DuQuette.First of all this book is simple to understand and the directions are quite clear. This is a book that can change you for the better if you work it. Its a way of using the tarot in a special reading “not an ordinary divination” to know of yourself on a more deeper level. It will prepare you for Kundalini and the knowledge and conversation of you Holy Gaurdian Angel. Even if you like I have had in the past and still have the knowledge and conversation this book can help you on a more deeper level. It uses the systems of Tantra, Sex Magick and Ceremonial Magick to achieve this. It also has a chapter on how the Tarot and the Tree of Life and Qabalah are all put together. This book is great for those who wish to have this High Magickal experience, it should not be passed by. The book is 191 pages but dont let that fool you as there is a wealth of information here. Too me its one of those treasures I considder priceless and I will hold on to for good! ! ! I am very pleased at what has been put into this book. Even though I had the knoledge and conversation with my HGA many years ao I found these techniques to be helpful in streanthning my relationship with my Angel. I still like using this book as a reference.

  • J. Peacock says:

    Review by J. Peacock for Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover
    Hyatt – master of no subject but queen of flimflam and snake oils. There are more informed writers (it would be hard to be less informed)for those wishing to learn about the subject Hyatt claims to have knowledge. Stay away or buy it for kindling to keep your body warm while reading a real book.

  • rareoopdvds says:

    Review by rareoopdvds for Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover
    Hyatt and Duquette team together for a ritual using sex as the meditation in gaining insight, enlightenment, samadhi – whatever it may be. Also using your Tarot cards coupled with astrology to determine the time and place of the ritual (conversation) of the Holy Guardian Angel. Spelled out by Hyatt and Duquette, both learners of Israel Regardie, in an explanatory manner how to achieve invocation through sex with a partner or yourself.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover
    This book serves as a good introduction to the idea of sex magick and the doctrine of the Holy Guardian Angel, which is central to the practice of magick. There is good basic information on Tarot and Qabala and using the symbols for practical purposes. It’s hard to really review this book without summarizing it. It’s worth looking at. Slackananda’s Book Reviews

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Sex Magic, Tantra, and Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover
    Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot was formerly known as ‘The Way of the Secret Lover’. Like Secrets of Western Tantra, it draws heavily on the symbolism of the Tarot, the work of Aleister Crowley, the rituals of the Golden Dawn and other ‘standards’ of the Western Esoteric Tradition in order to provide a framework for progress and development. A central theme here is that the Holy Guardian Angel can be identified with the so-called ‘Secret Lover’. Thus the main thrust of the book is how one can enter into dialogue and eventually, union with the Secret Lover.From this perspective, the book could be described as an extended essay on the dynamics of Bhakti Yoga. The appendices deal with familiar themes such as basic chakra symbolism or the Lesser Hexagram or Pentagram Rites. There is also a chapter from Phil Hine on a ‘Chaos Approach’ to Sexual Magic which urges the reader to beware occult dogmas which limit sexual expression, and includes the sage advice to … “Beware of Adepts or Witch-Queens who make offers out of the blue to raise your kundalini, stoke up your chakras or blow your aura!”To sum up then, Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot offers an intriguing perspective on magical development which manages to unite traditional occult symbolism and techniques with a psychotherapeutic perspective. Again, what you get out of this book very much depends on what you put into it, but Dr. Hyatt and Lon Milo Duquette have certainly projected a viable Tantra (‘scripture which liberates’) for those who feel rooted in the Western Occult Tradition. – Andrew Johnson.

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