Buryat black shamans have eighteen miniature implements attached to their whips. A shaman and her assistant introduced me some of them.
Documentary on the history of shamanism & shamanic practice in various cultures throughout human history.
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Hi! Yes Damdin dorlig (rtamgyen dor legs or something like it) is Hayagriva in Sanskrit. I’ve been among the Darkhats and ppl say their shamanism is more ancient and void of Buddhist elements bit I don’t think so. I’m not against Buddhist elements in shamanism so I find both Buryat and Darkhat versions interesting.
Damdin Dorlig – tibetian name. From that we can speculate that buddhist elements entered into eastern buryat shamanism. Matia have u ever been among Darkhats. Probably original elements of Mongolian Shamanism is better preserved among them.
thank you especially for subtitles … great docu
Very informative and well filming!
w w w. horsebackarcherygr. c o m
Superior video. Thank you for posting it for us!
I was given a Buryat black shaman’ bardag whip yesterday which only has the anvil on it – no other tools. I was told to dress it with more tools and use it. i cant believe you have just posted this film and I recieved a youtube email about it today – i find that extraordinary and auspicious. thanks for posting it.
hello there… thank you very much for your an other video of shamans, this is the way to preserve and advertige infront of world that how powerfull our shamans way to treat illness people. and what we as a humanes were treated before hospitol in this world thank you.
egy újabb nagyon jó és érdekes videód. köszi!
another one of your very good and interesting videos. thanx!
I am very grateful you are posting. And tarnslating!
They could do better than just drumming same with the guys in the cave clapping, they should do an om song instead.
@Napoleon37363 – hey man no need for snarky words here, this documentary is about shamanism not ancient architecture, and these researchers are studying consciousness not construction.
These scientists are deminted becase they think that having out of body experiences or visions, Can show them they could build a pyramid. Even if they knew how through this method theyed need sophisticated technology to do it
They never explain how they built tiawunoka they just show the acostics of the place how can that build a 2 and a half million ton pyramid or even several of them in a place where no food can grow because of the altitude so they couldn’t have rollers, food, or water anywhere near there so how could they have a labor force to build it. Just because they have out of body experiences does not give them super strength or the ability to build megalythic structures