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Short documentary on Dermot O’Hara. Dermot has been working full time in the area of Spiritual Awareness for the past sixteen years here in Ireland . His own Initiation into this awareness started over twenty years ago During the past 16 years he has travelled widely pursuing his initiation path as a Shaman. He has worked with many of the Indigenous peoples of America and Canada . He regularly holds workshops in America and Canada Dermots workshops include, Relaxation, Meditation, Dream Interpretation Visualization, Drumming, Communication with spirit guides, angels, power animals and the elemental spirits of nature and basic instruction on the principles of shamanism.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sunday June 1st, 2008 Host: George Noory Futurist John Jay Harper shared his investigation into native shamanism as it correlates with the near-death experience (NDE), earth changes, and a global shift in consciousness. The shamanic tradition dates back thousands of years. Shamans, often engaged in healing work, travel to other realms and then translate back symbols of what they’ve seen, he explained. The shamanic experience shares similarities to NDEs, with an “initiate” traveling to the other side. Near death experiencer, George Ritchie, described realms of a higher vibrational rate that co-exist just above our world, and contain laboratories and schools. One of the common themes Harper uncovered in his NDE research was of earth transformations to come. During a 20-year period (begun in 1992) a major solar event will trigger a pole shift and the melting of the ice caps, he detailed. Harper, through his own visions, sees regional disruptions due to earthquakes on both the East and West coasts, as well as the Midwest. An event on the West Coast could be centered around a fault line near Eureka, CA, he added. Harper also expressed concern over people living on the coastlines, and warned of tsunami dangers.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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