Short documentary on Dermot O’Hara. Dermot has been working full time in the area of Spiritual Awareness for the past sixteen years here in Ireland . His own Initiation into this awareness started over twenty years ago During the past 16 years he has travelled widely pursuing his initiation path as a Shaman. He has worked with many of the Indigenous peoples of America and Canada . He regularly holds workshops in America and Canada Dermots workshops include, Relaxation, Meditation, Dream Interpretation Visualization, Drumming, Communication with spirit guides, angels, power animals and the elemental spirits of nature and basic instruction on the principles of shamanism.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Sunday June 1st, 2008 Host: George Noory Futurist John Jay Harper shared his investigation into native shamanism as it correlates with the near-death experience (NDE), earth changes, and a global shift in consciousness. The shamanic tradition dates back thousands of years. Shamans, often engaged in healing work, travel to other realms and then translate back symbols of what they’ve seen, he explained. The shamanic experience shares similarities to NDEs, with an “initiate” traveling to the other side. Near death experiencer, George Ritchie, described realms of a higher vibrational rate that co-exist just above our world, and contain laboratories and schools. One of the common themes Harper uncovered in his NDE research was of earth transformations to come. During a 20-year period (begun in 1992) a major solar event will trigger a pole shift and the melting of the ice caps, he detailed. Harper, through his own visions, sees regional disruptions due to earthquakes on both the East and West coasts, as well as the Midwest. An event on the West Coast could be centered around a fault line near Eureka, CA, he added. Harper also expressed concern over people living on the coastlines, and warned of tsunami dangers.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
do modern day shamans beleive in vegetarianism???
the roman catholic church killed most of our shamans (druids) or made them outcasts where much of the ‘witch’ hunts started, many druids became part of the church and still had strong ties with their community and it died out.. so i think celtic shamans are looking elsewhere for our shamanic ways because it was lost many years before u.s was even found
Beannachtaí na nDéithe is na sinsear ort
i was skeptical of shaminism before i met dermot, after meeting him i had a different opinion. amazing stuff.
a “celtic” shaman with a fucking teepee? how idiotic
As an American Shaman…
I understand everything this man has said or is doing… there is nothing to stop us now.
We Are All Related.
It appears he has crow or Raven feathers.. Very important to both Native and Celtic cultures…. That type of Drum is called a Bodhran.. But it is odd he using a native like stick to beat on it.. the Rattles are used in many cultures and traditions.. but I do understand your point he is using alot of NA symbolism that can be confusing to outsiders who do not know the difference… You are welcome to friend me and we can continue this conversation in private so we are not flooding the comments:)
Some Natives you can not convince.. They choose to belief this…. It’s like any other form of discrimination…
Ravynwolfe.. I know exactly what you are saying. People Fear, what they do not know or understand.,.. I had fights all the time growing up as people told me I was not American Indian because I had blond hair and grey hazel eyes.. Irish, dutch, and American Indian mix.. has produced that result in me… Sterotypes hurt, and people who been hurt many times also fear what they do not know and understand more…
Not to mention the Native Indian flute music and people chanting “heya hey” ..this is native. Where is the Celtic part? The ancient Celts had shamanic persons…they had their own ways. Why not show them? I also find it is up to others to decide whether you are shaman or not. This is my understanding.
I’m totally for the pagan community being one myself. I tried to stress that not all pagans are the same to the native community and got my head bit off in the process. I suspect because I am mainly white and pagan. It is prejudice yes. I’m trying to present that not all pagans are this way….and then I came here and saw the tipi and can anyone convince some natives that not all pagans rob the natives cultural and ritual? I’m trying. I’m trying to be sensitive to both sides.
I ask that you go to white ego woman video and try and post this up there or talk to the natives there. I went in with a post saying “I hope that this woman does not have people thinking all pagans are the same” and all hell broke out. I sympathized..but all hell broke out against me. I still don’t understand it. Go there and talk and you will see bigtime hurt and distrust of white pagans in the native community. It is sad. I dare you.
I do not agree with you going after someone over using a TP that is Celtic. But I do agree that yes cultural vulturing, frauds,.. and sterotyping all Pagans.. But I see sterotyping anyone who is non native and using a TP as cultural vultures as just as wrong. Lets, Just relax.. and enjoy the what he shared, and not get so mad…. Love, Generosity.. Respect is important. I do not sense he posted this to offend our us, not one bit. I am sorry to see it offends you, I hope you heal soon.
Are you stealing from Chinese? … I bet you use many products from China!.. I know our Lakota and Cherokee ancesters did not invent electricity and computers! … So, you are culture vulturing computers too! oh no! ….Do you understand the point? Just because someone is using tools or resources from another culture, does not make them a culture vulture. I can name many things that our ancestors used that were never originally part of their culture as well, for one The Horse…
And they use lots of tents too. I am also Celtic and Cherokee I think one must be sensitive to others. The tipi does something to one after hearing tons of complaints from natives…trying to tell them that Pagans and Celts have their own ways..have them say to me that no Pagans respect them…me saying yes many do and don’t paint us all the same to go to this group and see a tipi. Its like why do I even try?
Celts did not have any known tents.. I do not see him as vultering at all he is just making use of what is available people Native and Non Native now use TPs.. I am Celtic and Lakota and Cherokee I do not see his use of the TP as offensive or vulturing.
He should’nt be culture vulturing from North American traditions …I mean what’s with the tipi? he is Celtic not Native American.
Hi lucialight4, thanks for the positive feedback. Cool channel and great outlook on life.
This was pleasing to listen to, both the music and the insight into Shaman healing rituals. Very cool video.
I like this guy because he doesnt seem to be on some ego trip. Why cant more people who facilitate these types of things be more down to earth like this guy seems to be?
lovely lovely man, though there doesn’t seem to be much specifically celtic about this approach , other than his accent
Dermot I love what your doing here, i never considered that heaven for me is here and now. Like we spoke of earlier, its a state of mind. Great stuff, you got me thinking.
Thanks for the video !
Thanks for the video !