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When mountain water gets concentrated in a particular area and springs forth, it is called a spring. In the mouth source of the spring, the water speed is extremely ferocious. W hen this water rises up and falls down a lot of chaos is witnessed and everyone knows how noisy the situation is. In the same way Chakras can be compared to eddies, cyclones and a spring of water. A volcano generally emits fire, smoke, lava from its opening. In the same way Chakras too release certain emissions. People are getting ready to generate infinite electrical energy from the tumultuous waves of the ocean. Those who have the capacity to utilize the energy released by these Chakras are said to be divine men.

Endocrinologists who study various endocrine glands of the body are absolutely amazed to note that the juices secreted by the glands are so infinitesimal in terms of quantity yet they can influence our body, brain etc. on such an enormous scale. Testicles, kidneys, heart, male endocrine glands etc. can be called bigger glands. Since their activities are grosser they can be easily understood. But to unfold the mysteries of the endocrine glands is that much more difficult. Even after intricate research it is difficult to draw apt conclusions. Subtler that these are glands called Chakras (in Indian Yoga) which are beyond the ken and reach of sense organs and modern scientific apparatus like election microscopes etc. If at all one can see, understand and make apt use of these Chakras, it is only via an activated inner eye of wisdom/intuition. It is only on the basis of Subtle Spiritual Sciences like Yoga etc. can one experience and use these Chakras for one’s own self and world humanity at large.

Within Hathayoga spiritual

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