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practices, 6 Chakras have been listed situated in the Sushumna of the Merudand (Subtle spinal chord). They are 1) Mooladhar Chakra 2) Svadhishthan Chakra 3) Manipur Chakra 4) Anahat Chakra 5) Vishudh Chakra 6 ) Ajna Chakra.

Amongst these, 4 of them have been deemed as nervous network by anatomists. The Mooladhar Chakra is called Pelvic Plexus. The Manipur Chakra is called Solar Plexus. The Anahat Plexus is called Cardial Plexus and the Vishudhi Chakra is called Pharyngeal Plexus by modern anatomists. Regarding the remaining 2 Chakras i.e. Svadhishthan and Ajna, there is a bit of disparity and difference of opinion between ancient spiritual seers and modern day research. We sincerely hope that this mystery will unfold in the near future.

There is a detailed description of the 6 fold wealth which one attains on activating the 6 Chakras. These can be called spiritual attainments too.

The 6-fold wealth is 1) Shama 2) Dama 3) Uparati 4) Titiksha 5) Shraddha and 6) Samadhan.

“Shama” means overcoming mental turmoil and agitation. “Dama” means mastering the 5 sense organs (eyes, ears etc.). “Uparati” means abhorring wickedness. “Titiksha” means enduring hardships with great patience. “Shradha” encompasses steadfastness on the path of sacredness along with faith and love for it. “Samadhan” means liberation from doubts and desires.

All these are specialties of qualities, action and character. Man rises higher up the ladder of life due to great thinking and idealistic actions. Thus he attains inner contentment, zeal, respect from the external world and cooperation that a realized saint or sage attains.

Apart from this there are so many material benefits due to spiritual progress. These

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