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Were America’s Founding Fathers Born Again Christians as so many believe? Or, were they Freemasons, thoroughly enmeshed in the tragic paganism of that secret society? Chris Pinto brilliantly demonstrates that the writings of our Founding Fathers clearly demonstrate that they had a public — Christian — veneer, but that their true inner heart of hearts beat to the tune of the Ancient Mysteries pagans. Hear America’s Fathers write in such convincing measure that will remove all doubt in your mind. They will convince you with their own words. Jesus said, ‘Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free’. Knowing the truth of our Founding Fathers’ and the real religion they espoused will absolutely set your mind free, allowing you to see America’s government for the pagan institution it was intended to be. NOTE: We readily recognize that America’s Cultural Foundation was based upon Christian values and that Christians had much impact upon our Founding But, that government was established according to a pagan plan to produce the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) Chris Pinto produces an outstanding DVD, of the same fine quality as the three DVD’s in the Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings series.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

6 Responses to The Church & Secret Societies: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers, DVD by Chris Pinto

  • ed11561 says:

    @1tonykirk I’d luv to blow all those fuckers up & start

  • 1tonykirk says:

    @ed11561 You are correct on this, my friend. It was Captain Forbes of the East India Trading Company working for the Rothschilds while he was exporting Opium from India and brining it to China.

    Now, America works for the Rothschilds and Israel.

  • ed11561 says:

    The Opium Wars (), also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, were the climax of trade disputes and diplomatic difficulties between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire after China sought to restrict British opium traffickers. It consisted of the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842[1] and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860

  • jessi95605 says:

    This is very interesting and sort of disturbing I just watched today “Secret of Our Founding fathers” in History Channel I am sort of in shock because I really like reading about their lives.

  • UCAGIB says:

    That music at the end is EPIC, looking forward to this…

  • Tyronethe24th says:

    God bless you as you tell the truth. I look forward to the completed film.

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