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The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals

How do you read reversed tarot cards, the ones that appear upside down in a spread? In The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, author Mary K. Greer addresses this commonly ignored or misunderstood situation. The most common wisdom about reversed cards is that they indicate resistance or problem areas. In fact, some readers simply abort a reading if too many cards show up as reversals, assuming that the person is too unreceptive, depressed, or dishonest to work with the reading. “Receiving too many reversals can make you feel like you have been dealt a ‘losing hand,'” writes Greer, “but hopefully, this book will help turn that around.” In fact, Greer claims that reversals offer a portal to the more mystical and esoteric influences in our lives

Rating: (out of 11 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 19.50

Price: CDN$ 9.49

5 Responses to The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals Reviews

  • S. Peterson says:

    Review by S. Peterson for The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
    This book I use for upright and reversed meanings. I also loved that it gave shamanic interpretations of reverse cards and health. I have found the health stuff dead on when reading for clients who want answers in health. Even has more unusual illnesses like environmental illness, Chronic Fatigue etc.

  • Kelli Riffle says:

    Review by Kelli Riffle for The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
    I do a lot of Tarot readings and quite often reversed cards come up. I do not think they pop up for no reason. This book does give a good place to start really learning the reversed meanings of the cards. It has been an easy read for me which is really important because I am dyslexic. This book does combine Traditional meanings, shamanistic/magical meanings, health issues and “psychological” meanings. In my experience, it has added an extra depth and accuracy to my readings. I have found most people are put off by reading reversed meanings but I was taught to use both meanings. It is a great place to start but no book takes the place of intuition.

  • moonsbreath says:

    Review by moonsbreath for The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
    This is one of the best Tarot books available. Mature explanations to both upright & reversals.

  • T. R. LAVALLEY says:

    Review by T. R. LAVALLEY for The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
    After reading the glowing reviews for this book, above, I had to wonder, did I miss something. Are we talking about the same book. So I went back and read it again. Honestly I found nothing, new, or particularly interesting in the book. The interpretations of reversed cards in say Janina Renee’s: “Tarot for a New Generation” is at least as good. I also found the text rather stilted. Each card has notes concerning Traditional, Health, and Shamanistic interpretation. Sounds like a gold mine, no? Unfortunately the authors attempt to crowbar the presentation of each card into the same mold does not come off, and only serves to hamstring what could have been a wonderful book with a text that has no flow. As a reference, this book may have some value, but I found it impossible to simply kick back and read. If you have never read with reversals I would recommend Joan Bunnings book on the subject. Joan’s voice as an author is clear, smooth and informative making her book a wonderful vehicle for increasing your confidence and adding reversals to your Tarot Toolbox. If however you are an intermediate, or advanced reader, and looking for the depth implied by the special subjects in Tarot, series label, you just wont find it here. Still If you just must have this book, you may still be able to find my copy for half off at the used book store.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
    For those who shudder at reading reversals, this book is a breath of fresh air. While giving equal attention to divinatory meaning, this book takes the gloom and doom out of reading reversals. Instead, it adds texture to the traditional tarot deck by giving new ideas to incorporate into the deck. Especially helpful are the “Shamanistic” meanings at the end of each reversal write up. If your tired of seeing reversals merely as “blocked energy” or “negative manifestations” of the upright card, then this is the book for you!

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