The Concept of Chakras
Chakras are energy centers along the midline of the body. According to ancient Vedic philosophy, proper functioning of our body and mind depends on these chakras. From the mind’s eye these chakras are seen as spinning wheels or whirling masses of different colors. Our body is said to have seven primary chakras, each denoted with a different color and responsible for sets of mind and body functions. The exact location of each chakra may vary for different people; however the usual locations are within the body, in a straight line. The following is a list of the 7 chakras, their colors, locations and functions:
The root chakra
Location- At the base of the spine
Color- Burnt red; the color of the earth
Associated body parts- The spinal column, bones, teeth, anus, rectum, prostrate gland, blood etc
Associated feelings- Confidence, trust in life, self-esteem
If the chakra is closed the associated body parts may be affected and can lead to negative feelings of low self-esteem, constant fear of being let-down or cheated, lack of confidence etc. When the chakra is overactive it may make a person overconfident, arrogant and materialistic. An over-active chakra also affects the associated body parts adversely.
The sacral chakra
Location- Below the navel, around the genital area
Color – orange, the color of the setting sun
Associated body parts-Pelvic girdle, re-productive organs, kidneys, bladder, sperm, gastric juice, blood etc
Associated feelings or mental functions- Sexual desires, sexual attraction and emotions
If this chakra is closed one might experience problems in the