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The Concept Of Metaphysical Parenting

In EmoTrance, we have the concept of the “Creative Template”.

That is who a person was designed to be by the Creative Order at the moment of conception; and then this Creative Template moves through time to its ultimate conclusion, which is death of the physical body and transcendency of those energy systems which are not reliant on the physical body.

The purpose of the Creative Template in EmoTrance is to have people connect with a TRUTH about themselves that is THERE, that is really true, not an idealisation or a fantasy; we all have a Creative Template.

People make unfortunate health goals for example, or appearance goals, personal performance goals, that are either based on:

1. Themselves BACK in time – when they were 16 or something, or “before the accident” which causes CHAOS when applied to a 50 year old who is actually AFTER the accident;


2. Someone who isn’t them at all – that’s when a red haired Xena The Warrior Princess type girl tries to become Brittany Spears, or even worse, when a fully grown black man tries to become Bridget Bardot when she was 18.

Clearly, in personal health, developement and so on you need to make a goal that is based on YOU at the RIGHT TIME, future orientated, forward pointing; so we evoke the Creative Template of a person so we have something to consciously move towards in healing or restoration.

It’s a wonderful thing to find something that is so exclusively yours and STILL so amazingly inspiring; and when we make practitioners look at the Creative Template of their clients so they know what we mean by “Even Flow” or getting a person’s energy system to work the way the Creative Order DESIGNED IT TO WORK

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