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The song is ???????? ????????? – Soymbeti mantilato (Soubeti and the Dance with kerchiefs ), taken from the Guardians of Hellenism, VOL 6, THRACE. The paintings are mostly from Jules Joseph Lefebvre. The Christian paintings are from Antonio da Correggio. The Gladiator one is from Gerome. The beginning of Byzantium starts with three Illyrian Emperors and this dynasty lasted from 306-363 CE. Constantine the Great, from Moesia, was part of the Illyrian military men who rose to power like Diocletian. He converted to Christianity and proceeded to make it the official state religion. He undertook measures to unify the Roman empire under this new political faith, often resorting to assimilating pagan festivities into Christian ones. shown in this video is the Chi Rho symbol, the first two letters of the word Christos (messiah). Constantine is said to have seen this symbol over the battlefield assuring him that with it he will be victorious. It often appears with two extra Greek letters, the Alpha and Omega, alluding the words of Christ in the book of Revelation. Constantine II, son of Constantine the Great. Mostly spent his reign fighting rebellions and foreign invasions from Persia, but theological debates were also among his interests. He continued his father Christianization of the Roman empire. Julian, often called the Apostate. He wanted to return to the pagan religions and philosophies of the Roman empire. He died fighting the Persians, so his ambitions remained

I Christian parody of the song Barbie Girl that I wrote and we performed at Round Lake. I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation Come on Kay, Let’s go pray I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation I’m a truth seeking girl in the postmodern world Pray for me, take your time, I’m your sister You’re my sis, Sing and pray, Feel the joy in the pews Serve God here, serve him there, hallelujah You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords, ooh whoa I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Make me serve, make me teach, do whatever’s Gods will I can act like a saint, I can pray on my knees Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again Hit the town, feed the poor, let’s go praying You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh I’m a
Video Rating: 3 / 5

50 Responses to The Constantinian Dynasty of Byzantium

  • xLIFEISAMAZEx says:

    Dude! Mine to! It’s kinda awkward.

  • ndpatd says:

    And to think I hated the orginal? i mean seriously. WTF?!?!?!?!

  • Woorev says:

    dude thats my english teacher on the left thats a wierd feeling

  • xXjustXforlornXx says:

    Wow I can’t believe how many haters there are here. As previously posted, I was at this week of camp and they had us rolling on the ground laughing. They were not slamming any other groups; this is a hard song to rewrite and I think they did a wonderful job. This was for the Thursday Night Talent Show I believe and it was mostly intended for laughs. People need to get over their anger and just laugh at life sometimes, okay? Thanks.

  • seanpaynedotnet says:

    Your account name. Williamtyndale. I’m sure he would vomit or weep at this apostasy.

  • slashcammas says:


  • slashcammas says:

    Ima christian girl, inna cristian world, i love jesus, he aims to please us
    we dont sin at all, we play basket baaal
    we go to catholic school, we think its really cool. Someone call the police, he skirts above her kneess. I serve the alter and never wear a halter (its just too exposing)
    I dont watch tv, cuz it poisons meee. we think we’re badass cuz we just said badass
    christian girl christian girl christian girl *crosses self*
    comeon barbie, lets go party
    “nah i cant i gotta go to church”

  • lenerene says:

    Aqua has new music out check out youtube
    Back To The 80s
    My Momma Said
    Spin Me A Christmas
    Live Fast, Die Young

  • laridd says:

    Wonder why they hired a gay backup singer though?

  • bolivadot says:

    Ad Deum Gloria

  • earsofthedeprived says:

    yeah why would they do this? i think they could have used better word than Pagan (but i guess you can’t do a Christian re-write without offending someone)

  • sally060789 says:

    what a silly video!!!!

  • EdwardCullenAddicted says:

    i was bein sarcastic about askin wht religion is (and i wasnt asking u). and im 15. and im a child of God. but wht i am saying is that God never said he gave us a religion. he gave us a government

  • thehawker1969 says:

    this man was in my house last night. i love him.


    ya’ll killed that song you know….

  • JeremyMilne says:

    what are you, 7? thats the best you can come up with?

  • jpest17 says:

    why would u need us to tell you? but fine our religion is the belief based on faith, that there is a higher power that has a plan for us whether or not we fallow it, he uses even those mistakes to bring people closer to him.

  • jpest17 says:

    yea, and u know why? because their not stuck up like you!

  • jpest17 says:

    then your not christian! you can’t talk the talk and not walk the walk.

  • jpest17 says:

    no one is free from judgment. little girl? what are u even doing on youtube? I’m 16 u should be at least like13 or u are too young.

  • a1mint says:

    Indoctrinate and brainwash them young. Make sure they’ll conform to the ways of the body. Fools.

  • EternalAlert says:

    Well I must say that I did get a kick out of this. The lyrics “I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world” miss the mark quite a bit though. “I’m a Christian girl in a Christian world” would probably be a more accurate. I seriously doubt that a single one of those girl lives in a “pagan world”. But I do like the lyrics “Imagination, life is god’s creation” because it would take a heaping helping of imagination for me to think that life is, in fact, the creation of a god.

  • EdwardCullenAddicted says:

    oh and u still didnt explain to me wht religion is.

  • EdwardCullenAddicted says:

    well im guessin ur a guy cuz ur thing says jeremy and i would hav thought ur mother would hav raised u with more manners than tht. Because no matter what your views are there is no need to be rude like you are being. and well actually i was jst commenting sayin that people that talk about God arent dumb. I wasnt the one insulting ppl and “shooting” off my mouth. That was you.

  • therabbitrevolution says:

    i agree

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