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The song is ???????? ????????? – Soymbeti mantilato (Soubeti and the Dance with kerchiefs ), taken from the Guardians of Hellenism, VOL 6, THRACE. The paintings are mostly from Jules Joseph Lefebvre. The Christian paintings are from Antonio da Correggio. The Gladiator one is from Gerome. The beginning of Byzantium starts with three Illyrian Emperors and this dynasty lasted from 306-363 CE. Constantine the Great, from Moesia, was part of the Illyrian military men who rose to power like Diocletian. He converted to Christianity and proceeded to make it the official state religion. He undertook measures to unify the Roman empire under this new political faith, often resorting to assimilating pagan festivities into Christian ones. shown in this video is the Chi Rho symbol, the first two letters of the word Christos (messiah). Constantine is said to have seen this symbol over the battlefield assuring him that with it he will be victorious. It often appears with two extra Greek letters, the Alpha and Omega, alluding the words of Christ in the book of Revelation. Constantine II, son of Constantine the Great. Mostly spent his reign fighting rebellions and foreign invasions from Persia, but theological debates were also among his interests. He continued his father Christianization of the Roman empire. Julian, often called the Apostate. He wanted to return to the pagan religions and philosophies of the Roman empire. He died fighting the Persians, so his ambitions remained

I Christian parody of the song Barbie Girl that I wrote and we performed at Round Lake. I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation Come on Kay, Let’s go pray I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation I’m a truth seeking girl in the postmodern world Pray for me, take your time, I’m your sister You’re my sis, Sing and pray, Feel the joy in the pews Serve God here, serve him there, hallelujah You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords, ooh whoa I’m a Christian girl in a pagan world Temptations drastic, not fantastic Doesn’t seem fair, temptations everywhere Imagination, life is God’s creation Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Make me serve, make me teach, do whatever’s Gods will I can act like a saint, I can pray on my knees Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again Hit the town, feed the poor, let’s go praying You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords You can teach, you can preach You can say I’m always the Lords Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, ha ha ha, yeah Come on Kay, Let’s go pray, oooh, oooh I’m a
Video Rating: 3 / 5

50 Responses to The Constantinian Dynasty of Byzantium

  • ioanpena says:

    @Yanitsaros Naissus wasn’t the only greeck colony in Dacia . There were other 3 collonies on Callatis , Tomis and Histria. I was born in Callatis…

  • ioanpena says:

    @Truejustice100 His mother was Dacian from Transilvania and his father was Ilyrian from Belgrade(Dardania). So you can say it was half Albanian and half Romanian…

  • Truejustice100 says:

    He was Illyrian from Dardania,,,pure albanian blood

  • KnightsHospitallerBC says:

    @iraqidolphin This is what I found recently: the atheists from the West are in an active rebellion against the ancient Christian order….they should be send to Communist China or Tyrannic North Korea for a year, and let them enjoy the true government of atheism!

  • iraqidolphin says:

    Powerful music but a sad message. Religion should be about world peace. Yet you can have world peace without religion.

  • SPO1855 says:

    You clearly have little interaction with the history of Christianity. MOST very early Christian Nobility waited until their deathbed to be baptized, that their baptismal promise might not be stained. He remained the executor in a state built on it’s pagan practices, in the face of a murderous senate, usurpers lurking, and a mass populace to satisfy. Hold off on your certainty of his “lies” lest your skepticism be mere and shallow.

  • Truejustice100 says:

    Born in Illyria

  • realman789 says:


    Speaking of statues, Greece is full of the statues of ass naked gods fucking each other, the only thing the Greeks were good at in doing haha.
    Zeus fucking hercules.
    Apollo fucking Augustus.
    The only things you guys are? missing is the monument of the Turks fucking the greeks.
    For example, a monument of the Turks fucking Constantine XI Paleologus in Istanbul wouldn’t be a bad idea.
    Or a monument of the Turks fucking the Greeks in Cyprus…

  • realman789 says:


    Speaking of statues, Greece is full of the statues of ass naked gods fucking each other, the only thing the Greeks were good at in doing haha.
    Zeus fucking hercules.
    Apollo fucking Augustus.
    The only things you guys are? missing is the monument of the Turks fucking the greeks.
    For example, a monument of the Turks fucking Constantine XI Paleologus in Istanbul wouldn’t be a bad idea.
    Or a monument of the Turks fucking the Greeks in Cyprus…

  • dersimattack says:

    Long live Byzantium….

  • oblatusosb says:

    my bad! YES, I agree with you totally, thank you.

  • Yanitsaros says:

    that’s your opinion. If one comes with a mindset already convinced of what music should arouse in him, he will avoid experimentation and listen to the same music all hsi life. One comes to music with an open heart and allows the music to move him on its own merit

  • oblatusosb says:

    it’s still miserable.

  • Yanitsaros says:

    @oblatusosb, it is traditional music from Thrace

  • oblatusosb says:

    where did u find that miserable music?

  • Athens00 says:

    like frogs on a pound we greeks have setttled. -Plato! the word “greek” was rarely used to identify all of greece because greece was separated by water and by each state having there own form of government, Athens=Athenians Sparta=spartans etc. greeks were in egypt they were in the middle east they were as far as India this is evident proof not only that of alexander the great being greek but how greeks have travelled pretty much everywhere. educating, spreading knowledge.. unlike those mongols

  • Probyzantinum says:

    The only greek cityes in Dacia were thoose on the Black Sea shore. Naissus was not greek city. If some greeks lived there this dosen`t make it “greek city”. For you greeks is any place who was not “greek” once? :))

  • Yanitsaros says:

    Illyrians were the local people, as well as Dacians, Paeonians. Why do you want to make it exclusively Illyrian?

  • Eantigoness says:

    Whatever… you can think whatever you want. I don’t care if romans or celts ruled over the city at some point, it won’t change the fact that the local ppl were I L L Y R I A N S.

  • Yanitsaros says:

    Naissus was a Greek colony. Illyrians did have cities, they had settlements they used in the time of the Romans from where to launch their attacks. It is not in Illyria, nor Dardania, but in Thracian territory. Its people were of different ethnic backgrounds, including Celts.

  • Eantigoness says:

    GREEK?LMAO. Are you kidding with me or what? You are making a fool out of yourself by saying that….

    Naissus was an Illyrian city populated with ILLYRIANS. This city was a part of Dardania, but during different periods it came under foreign rule…Though the majority of its people were Illyrians/Albanians.

  • Yanitsaros says:

    Naissus was a Greek city, in Dacia, and the population was diverse, from Paeonian, Thracian, Greek, Illyrian and later Roman. I am not even sure if Albanians were the majority, since Albanians have spread in many directions after the crusaders destroyed Byzantium.

  • Eantigoness says:

    Until 1870 almost the entire population of the Naissus were albanians, who had been living there since ancient times. Serbs forced them to change their names into Turkish and later made an agreement with the turks to deport the albanians living there to Turkey. Some of them fled to other areas populated with Albanians, like the family on my mothers side.There is a reason to why there are nearly 6 milion albanians living in Turkey today.

  • Eantigoness says:

    Naissus was populated with Illyrians. It was an Illyrian/Albanian city. Just because the city was under the rule of Moesia, at some point, doesn’t have to mean that it was a Dacian city….

  • WojRud1 says:

    Simply collapse of HELLENISM and victory of jewish superstition! i DON’T LIKE HIM!

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