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A tribute to Pagans as well as a bravo to the cast of The Craft and to the band Inkubus Sukkubus
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Surfer Blood perform “Catholic Pagans” live in the KEXP studio. Recorded 12/1/09.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

47 Responses to The Craft-Pagan Born

  • theallseeingoracle says:

    I love this movie. Have you heard some of the Director’s comments about this movie? I think it’s interesting how they had trouble doing the beach scene. It’s not the most accurate portrayal, but it’s better then others.

  • Shadowcast577 says:

    @DraculHemming No as a matter of fact I can’t because there has not ever been one that has gotten close period. And anyway whats that old saying almost only counts in horshoes and handgrenades? Frankly I hope they never make a show or movie that comes close. I unlike the monotheists don’t want or need my faith to be plastered all over hollywood and basic cable.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @Shadowcast577 Oh so can you name a show or movie that is closer to grasping Pagan concepts than Charmed was? Good luck with that.

  • Shadowcast577 says:

    @DraculHemming You quite seriously and honestly can’t believe that can you? Even forgetting the elements of fantasy charmed was the farthest thing from any form of paganism. Just what about the show was even close? It barely did its research for example half the time that show didn’t even pronounce the words correctly much less show any kind of grasp of wiccan or pagan ideologies.

  • DraculHemming says:

    @Shadowcast577 To date, the closest thing that came to Wicca and Paganism was the show Charmed. Albeit it still had the fantasy stuff (such as the Charmed Ones’ powers of Telekinesis and Molecular Acceleration/Deceleration) and the demonic powers of conjuring fireballs in their hands and such.

  • WitchAngel42 says:

    @hilarycm94 if you are serious please private message me I can get you started in the right direction

  • twilightbiggestfan says:

    goddess i love this movie so much. blesses be everyone )0(

  • witchdoc1000 says:

    bless be goddess

  • AnimeAdictProduction says:

    Blessed be! )o(

  • GabraelTheRose says:

    if u would like to know some stuff u can post a reply in the mail for utube

  • GabraelTheRose says:

    its nothing like in this movie u do realize this is comming from someone with well over 10 years under his belt

  • hilarycm94 says:

    i fucking LOVE this movie .
    and its a lot more accurate than majority of the movies out there about magic. like .. i dunno harry potter or something xD
    but anways , im trying to learn all i can about casting circles .. can somebody help me out ? : P

  • ihatenjoi says:

    ohh yeah, thats what i ment, haha my bad. my mom practices paganism, and while we both also are Catholic (she does both) she teaches me the roots of our religions. that was my bad.

  • NobleRoyalty says:

    actually, you got that backwards sweety.. paganism is older (a lot older!) than Christianity. 🙂 Hence the similiarities. Even Christmas itself is pagan.. along with the word “Holy” (from our sacred Holly trees!) the church just changed witchcraft into a satanic thing because it does not benefit the church for you to find connection with the divine. Then you will find no need to go to the church. Blessed be on your sacred path. ~

  • NobleRoyalty says:

    Pagan! & I am proud!


  • AnaFitzBeaumont says:

    Yes, so do I. :-))

  • ScoutSlave says:

    Love love love this movie!!! 😀 Great to tribute to one of my favorite movies from my childhood.

  • saltypop13 says:

    so what religion are you?

  • CaperBollochZ says:

    I loved this movie when I was thirteen when it came out , or fourteen but it was awesomeNess in the Nineties, people were always cooL by questioning authority especially established religions….

  • Crystalwolf78 says:

    now I liked the movie it had more acurate ways of how stuff is done. Saying not good nor evil its all how its used was the point of it. They even had a real witch who helped them out with tools and such. I have talked with many witches who thouht the movie was good.

  • mtc532 says:

    I think it was pretty accurate, on how it can be so easy to stray from your values and ‘join the dakr side’ of yourself and witchcraft. it teaches that ‘what comes around goes around’ and the rule of Three.

  • Shadowcast577 says:

    Oh my gods this was the worst thing to come out of hllywood I mean even disregarding how offensive it is to pagans, Its one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I would rather have spent the time pouring liquor into my eyeballs than watching that crap.

  • Shadowcast577 says:

    So you have time to sit and troll youtube all day huh? Wow I wish I had your oh so exciting life. And in case you are an idiot that was sarcasm.

  • ihatenjoi says:

    wow, your kool for bashing people
    paganism is a fuckin religion
    and its actually really close to christianity
    idk what religion you are, but you need to think before you speak, you offend a large group of people with you ignorance and stupidity.


  • Aetheilas says:

    Man I hated it. The Craft makes it look like peer pressure is a tool of Wicca, it shouldn’t be. I would’ve rather watched a movie about a lone, open-minded scholar discovering his aptitude for magick, that’s what Wicca, the spirits calling you to return to nature.

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