The Cult of Globaloney Warming ? Fascistic in the true sense
The pathetic nature of cults is that they prey on the innocent, the blind, the true-believing, the morally naive, and the just plain stupid. Globaloney Warming acolytes are all of these – irrational pagans trying to feel important, accruing money and power, or engaged in some affirmation of their relevance by ‘caring’ about Mother Earth. They are organizations not only with immoral claims of ‘total knowledge’ but with absurd notions that only they know the truth; the reality; and the future direction of mankind. Hegel and Marxian dialecticism combined with pagan theology. Very, very scary.
Cults are never of course, neutral creations. They can’t be. By definition they are formed in opposition to a ‘them’. Typically the ‘other’ is a system, or a class, or a group, or a set of ideas which have power, relevancy and which appear to be ‘arbitrary’ or ‘unfair’. For the Nazis it was the Jews who were simply too predominant in German society. For the Russian Fascists it was capital, money and private property – a system owned and operated by Anglo Saxons and Jews. For the Arabs and Muslims it is the system of Jewish-Christian civilization which negates the belief that the moon cult of Mecca is the final expression of ‘Gods’ will. For the Globaloney Warming Fascists it is the modern world of choice, individuality, some form of democracy and the formation of rent-seeking capital which must be expunged. All of the cults hate the person, the human, the free and extol the communal, the subservient and the exaltation ultimately of death.
Cults quickly morph into intolerant, highly violent Fascisms in the true sense of that word, oriented around a theology of make-believe, inarticulate and evil. Cults