Puppeteer extraordinaire Liam Hurley (of The Royal City Band) conceived, directed and produced this mesmerizing vision set to Josh Ritter’s song “The Curse.” Videography and editing by Marie Le Claire. Puppeteering by Liam Hurley and Kevin White. Production Assistant was MacKenzie Pause. Read more about the making of this video NPR.org, here: www.npr.org Josh Ritter released his latest album, “So Runs the World Away,” on May 4, 2010. Visit www.joshritter.com

© 2007 WMG Purchase As Daylight Dies: bit.ly Killswitch Engage – My Curse
@chefawkes haha.. internet tough guys like him don’t have a life.. Making up words most of the public don’t know. oh well, i called Adam awesome( ’cause he’s really awesome especially in “This Fire Burns”) then he called me..whatever that thing is. lol
you have no idea how bad that sounds hmm
@ThePoisonCloud did u come up with that all by your self? anyways im married
Agh the intro! I cream my pants everytime
@drummerdo0od , not trying to be racist, but the only black guy in metal i know
this is a lame video for such an awesomee song !
the book thing was so tight
@Th3LiquidOcelot u mean the 1 where theres a screamer goin all like THIS IS MY CUUUUURSE!!!!!!, well just put “Killswitch Engage – My Curse lyrics”
@MorningMaestro what’s that even suppose to mean?
@moimasiclat You, my good sir, are a tard fuck
@moimasiclat You, my good sir, are a tardfuck
kiswitch engage need to be in the charts screw lady gaga
@MLGSky MLG = Men Lacking Girlfriends
@skatermalik100 i love you for saying this lol
adam is the whitest black guy i know ._. he’s so damn good
@warheart454 Yeah that’s how I took it when I heard the song, it was the video I didn’t get.lol.
@MLGSky i know thats why i said romance which is bullshit this band is gay Unearth is truemetal
different version (?)
we need more black people like howard jones
@MrUndertaker420 virgin lol ur calling me a virgin haha ur funny anything else you wana try to insult me with…… ill log in later to see what you come up with
Some dude told me this was old. I told him his mother was too. This is still good. Unlike his mother.
@MLGSky FUCKIN VIRGIN with internet axcess
@MrLoverboyable naw ill keep talking shit
@DaysOfRain9109 ahahha that is fricking saying something