Puppeteer extraordinaire Liam Hurley (of The Royal City Band) conceived, directed and produced this mesmerizing vision set to Josh Ritter’s song “The Curse.” Videography and editing by Marie Le Claire. Puppeteering by Liam Hurley and Kevin White. Production Assistant was MacKenzie Pause. Read more about the making of this video NPR.org, here: www.npr.org Josh Ritter released his latest album, “So Runs the World Away,” on May 4, 2010. Visit www.joshritter.com

© 2007 WMG Purchase As Daylight Dies: bit.ly Killswitch Engage – My Curse
@HeresSeem …Here they mean he’s damned (cursed) … whoever he get’s close to or becomes close with dies.
There are other meanings you can get from this too … She was cursed or damned from the moment she opened his coffin and touched him.
i flippin love this song
Last night I went to a Josh Ritter’s show and it was beautiful–full of energy and passion for what he does. I didn’t know much of his music before last night and this was definitely one of my favorite songs. Reminds me of the story of genuine love told in Jewel’s “Painters”.
what all meanings of word curse? please some one and the uses of it! can I say, Jon curses so much, and does it mean he swears so much or he damns so much. Thanks in advance.
I saw this video on BRAVO TV the other day and fell in love with the puppeteering and music.
Awesome …
@primetimesuspect …to the wasted suspect of primetime: …better to be a weirdo than a “normal” sheep or lemming like you …
Just heard an interview with Josh in Canada (via the front loader dot com) and heard that LIAM put this video together. Had to come back and watch it again. BRILLIANT piece of work! BRILLIANT song!
Most brilliant comment. Thanks, now I have giggles I can’t get rid of.
Crap, I didn’t like it, what a waste of time.
Speechless. Thank you Gian for getting us on to this. Thank you Josh for writing this gorgeous song and thank you Liam Hurley for touching my heart.
I know, Jian always has great guests, this was among the best in a while
can’t stop watching!
this song was shown in my choir and I think it is catchy but not number 1 material
@LadySingBlues10 I think it takes some of the power away from the poetry. There’s a lot more going on there than the literal story and keeping the visuals strictly to the to the story is limiting.
@jonwattsmusic Honestly, why not go literal? it’s amazing how something so unrealistic can be so beautiful.
It’s amazing how I found myself imagining expressions on their faces.
Melancholy masterpiece… hauntingly beautiful; the puppetry is magical
@ajjajack I’ma beat you up. Ain’t no one better then Josh Ritter!!!!
@bobjfs He commisioned the artist to make this for the song
Very touching and very beautiful work
Just heard a quick interview with Ritter on CBC and the interviewer said to go to youtube right meow so I did. I think everyone who watches this wishes she turns into a mummy and comes back to him.
beautiful song and story.
Honestly, it seemed kind of cheesy to me. Why go so literal with it?
Honestly? It seemed kind of cheesy to me. Why go so literal with the story?