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Saint Patrick More recent memory serves to provide the tales for which Slane is most famous. It is said that in the Fifth century AD Saint Patrick came to the Hill of Slane early in his attempt to convert pagan Ireland to the light of christianity. On the eve of the Christian feast of Easter, 433 AD which appropriately coincides with the pagan feast of Beltane and the spring equinox, St. Patrick lit a bonfire upon the Hill of Slane. The law in force at the time was no fire should lit in the in the vicinity when a great festival fire blazed at the Royal seat of power on the visibly nearby Hill of Tara. The King rode off in a war chariot with his retinue to arrest the mystery rebel. As the kings horses thundered up the Hill Patrick calmed his few disciples and immediately set to eloquence. Patrick’s gift of eloquence went to high gear and somehow–some say through an earthquake, others by holding up a shamrock–he convinced the King of his earnest intent and belief in the power of the Holy Trinity. It was a power that Patrick thought would be useful to the King who could only wish that his own soldiers could wield the kind of bravery through deep conviction that Patrick displayed. The King took Patrick and his disciples prisoner and they were marched by to the Hill of Tara, chanting prayers. By morning light, Patrick and his men were spared and allowed to preach Christianity to the pagan army. On October 20, 2009, Angelina and her family lost a dear friend who introduced
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “The Deer’s Cry”, or St. Patrick’s Breastplate, sung by Angelina, (EWTN)

  • Darren9592 says:

    I got a lump in my throat watching this. My Great Grandad used to walk to Slane Abbey every year on pilgrimage, makes me remember him & the strong faith he had. We need another Saint Patrick to rekindle the fire of Christianity in Ireland, our nation is rapidly losing the faith that has sustained us over the centuries. Saint Patrick, pray for us.

  • BrotherAlphonsusMary says:

    Keep up the wonderful singing Angelina. God Bless.

  • rbushlow says:

    Where can we get the words to this beautiful dedication to Christ?

  • seamusberen says:

    What a great hymn for this St. Patrick’s Day. Thanks Angelina for a truly great vid!

  • LKennedy777 says:

    Just beautiful

  • Bluecharizard550 says:

    Absolutely stunningly beautiful. *applause*
    I do believe my birth-mother’s ancestors were Irish. ^^ God Bless you sister!

  • rosesofsunshine3 says:

    Beautiful video and song!

  • nicenna130 says:

    St. Patrick’s Breastplate and The Prayer of St. Francis are my two favorite prayers.
    I found you singing them on You Tube by my good fortune. Sometimes Google searches have amazing results. I just ordered two of your CDs from Amazon and can’t wait to get them. What a wonderful gift you are sharing.

  • nolicnotrut says:

    You didn’t mean to make me weep, did you?
    Worry not, they were good tears. I wonder what those tears would say if they had words?
    Smashing work.
    I try to begin every day with these words.
    Thank you.

  • fkanga says:

    You have the voice of an angel. God Bless!

  • Alnonymous2000 says:

    I saw and heard you sing on TeleCare our Diocese network. I went crazy trying to find out who you were. Now I know. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us all.
    Love and prayers,

  • Angelinasings says:

    Thank you so much! My friends always comment on that dress too. They think I was secretly trying out for a Lord of the Rings role or something, haha!

    God Bless,

  • 19jacinta88 says:

    Beautiful song – and I am fascinated by the dress! 😀

  • patfealy says:

    Oh Celtic Lass
    you turn my head towards the past
    to long ago in Rocks of ages woe
    where only whispered melodies go
    Green is your flowing Gown
    folds limp as monkish brown
    Like Patrick’s Ghost amongst us now
    I shudder and blink and see an angel
    wandering where I had left my despair
    on stones where only buildings lie
    beneath the feet of lovely Churches sleep
    Gently awake at last this Celtic Lass

    Patrick Joseph Fealy 2009

  • 123happysunshine says:

    Good solo voice— better than C.Church voice n she loosing the talent of her voice.

  • JLHOWARD40 says:

    Christ is Risen !!!
    God is glorious in His saints !!!

  • standupforfreedom153 says:

    Fellow Christians, Our rights are being threatened like never before in the history of this nation. A hate crime bill designed to eliminate the free speech of traditional Christians has passed the House and is now in the Senate as S. 909. Anyone who is opposed to homosexual marriage will be considered a hate criminal and will be prosecuted. Please call the Senate toll free and protest this grave threat to the first amendment at 1-877-851-6437. Our Constitution is threatened like never before.

  • marym499 says:

    Everytime I see this video on EWTN I start crying and I love it so much.

  • Oreosforlunch says:

    Those ruins make me think what that Church must have looked like when it was in use.

  • avatarprimus says:

    absolutly amazing!!!

  • peacemtn says:


  • Veritatem1212 says:

    So wonderful to see a GOOD video on this holiday here on Youtube!

  • benoitmaur says:

    thanks very beatiful I love it …
    vive st Patrick.

  • borgship says:

    a lot of people, well, yanks actually. love annoying people of other countrys in normal regular times, and on paddy’s day this will not have changed in ANY way, shape or indeed form, on Saint Patrick’s Day remember it is often more realistic to own a Full Valid IRISH Passport BEFORE you can pretend to be Irish.

  • borgship says:

    in the 1st time in 22 years ”the simpsons” will be broadcast on Saint Patrick’s Day in another country before the united states, SKY 1 tv on digital pay satellite will brodcast an irish themed simsons episode on st Paddy’s Day. [SKY 1 Ireland ] which means it will be on You Tube Shortly after ..

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