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Christians. Most New Era followers are polytheists, or believe in polytheism like a mix of the ancient Greek gods and various kinds of witchcraft, with Hinduism as its basis.


In the European countries and in the United States, polytheists do not usually persecute Christians because these are predominantly Christian countries and modern Christians teach that no one should persecuted for their religious beliefs. Polytheists have been positively influenced by Christians in the west. But polytheist nations in predominantly non-Christian countries are very different than the west. Polytheists in predominantly non-Christian countries persecute Christians. It is the Christian nations that are against religious persecution in the world.


Another difference between New Era and Christianity is the idea of Karma. New Era alternates between the idea that we can do no wrong and the idea that we have bad karma. Karma is the idea that you pay for what you do wrong. Karma as a belief is not “new” at all, it comes originally from India. In India, Hindus and Buddhists believe that karma is accumulated every reincarnation and you pay for the karma in the next reincarnation.


In India, karma is used as an excuse to justify the wrong acceptance of racism. They believe that people who were born with black skin are born that way because they were very evil in a past life. In India, the blacks are called the untouchables. They and anybody who is crippled or poor are denied equality and opportunities to improve their life because as K.P. Yohannan explains in his Christian book, Revolution in World Missions, according to karmic belief, Hindus believe that helping them would only worsen their

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