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The Divine Feminine

One aspect of the 5th dimensional consciousness is the return of the divine feminine. It’s a concept that’s been advocated by many ancient cultures- from the Sumerians to the Hopi Indians of New Mexico. We are moving back to a balance that’s been lost since the Roman Empire and Catholic Church established patristic dominance center stage.

Think it not strange that we’re seeing more and more of the ancient Celtic Cross, not the old rugged cross.

Of course religious fundamentalists want to make the celtic cross an example of religious and pagan traditions. Why? It serves the male chauvinistic mindset of the fundmentalists to do so; however, the past is rich with a history of the divine feminine matched with the divine masculine.

The Celtic cross with the circle represents both the feminine and masculine.

Celtic Christianity itself, exists separately from Roman-influenced Christianity and is composed of contemplation, meditation, prayer, living by mild means, equality of the sexes and a personal relationship with God. Obviously in an environment such as one finds in the American Bible Belt and such places as Saudi Arabia, women are little more than servants.

But MOTHER EARTH will have her say!

The creative god force is personified by the union of a god and goddess allowing both women and men to be honored, thereby sacrilizing the marriage of masculine and feminine outside and within the Self. Hillary

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