Yet another great song from “The soft parade” album. John gives the track a great tempo,Ray’s keyboard is on fire,Robby adds his liquid magic and Jim’s vocal perormance shows to everyone who the Shaman is. Enjoy! “Do you often stop and whisper in Saturday’s shore? The whole world’s a saviour Who could ever ask for more?” PS: Offensive/idiotic comments will be erased. I’m all for freedom of speech but I will not tolerate dickheads who try to pick up a fight in order to find a meaning in their pathetic lives by dissing the band. John, Ray, Jim and Robbie have opened “the doors of perception” for all of us; if you do not wish to enter,then you should simply FUCK OFF. Thank you
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
everything in moderation
Good luck
Sounds like a good plan – until then and afterward I’ll develop my character and reputation with the drugs I choose. =)
Yer then everyone needs to pull them selves together.
High five on the guess, but just because I’m younger doesn’t mean you’re right. There is an organization called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) with thousands of officers’ support because they know that in the long run our laws CREATE criminals. When you make something illegal, there is an economic vacuum that can only be filled by organized crime (see: Alcohol Prohibition, current affairs, etc). All of that easy money supports terrorism and corruption to perpetuate their monopoly.
Look man i’m not the first person to tell you, don’t take drugs You only support criminals using drugs. Man try to be a good USA citizen, remember protect your reputation, and develope some character. Look i’m not going to participate any more in a drug discussion. You are 22 – 23 or something you will eventually see i am right.
All the law tells me is that some legislators don’t want me to do it for some reason – I can judge whether their reason is actually OK. I totally high-five the genuinely concerned folks who made PCP illegal but I can’t always trust their critical thinking skills if they don’t realize how the majority of these laws force the creation of a violent, unregulated black market that is certainly not in everybody’s best interest.
Drug is such an unspecific word, but without them life couldn’t happen.
To Synchronicitical, C’mon man are you saying taking drugs is OK ? It’s against the law. Don’t kid yourself drugs arn’t good for you.
We are made of drugs – they can’t all be bad. Some people like the stimulus of coffee, other people like the mindbending of psychedelics – making a value judgment about that personal choice seems pointless… and the extreme idea of all or nothing seems… well, extreme. =)
All drugs are bad, alcohol, nicotine, and hard drugs. I made a decision 3 years ago not to drink alcohol ( iv’e only smoked a couple of packs of fags, and never taken hard drugs ) and it’s one of the best decisions iv’e made.
Zentonil: Yes, you’re right! That’s why alcohol and nicotine is legal, because they’re not dru… wait a minute!
I’m not going to go through all the studies it mentions as it is a review. I did not find any studies that mentioned having a control group. Most were surveys with follow-ups years later etc. If someone finds a study that provides stronger evidence than what I have seen so far then I would probably change my mind.
Don’t you think they used a control group with people who run a bigger risk of developing schiztphrenia but didn’t use marihuana and/or hallucinogens?
I haven’t read any reports myself on this subject, but i’d be suprised if that wasn’t the case
Hrm, my point was more that usually those certified for mental health work would use the word ‘proved’ more cautiously. Most would not consider correlational evidence as proof.
if you can talk better in spain, french or german than i can talk in english… well, then fine, let`s change our conversiation language. icecream?! yeah, man….. icecream. nuff said.
I can tell you are not certified by the language you use. Those studies do not prove anything. They are only evidence. Also that evidence is highly questionable as it is only correlational evidence. You are claiming that because they are linked it is a proven cause. This is a fallacy. Would you also believe eating ice cream makes people want to murder?
listen man, more than 30 studies prove this. and i think those guys know a lot more about schizophrenia and marihuana than you and me. you`re just ignorant, that`s all. i am professionally dealing with “users” whose schizophrenia WAS caused by drugs. nuff said.
I did previously. As I said before correlation does not equal causation. The studies ‘prove’ nothing. Simply being correlated to something doesn’t mean it is the cause. Murder rates and ice cream sales are correlated just like marijuana and schizophrenia are correlated. Causation is not implied.
sorry, man, you`re wrong. this IS proven. marihuana can trigger schizophrenia. and now enter “schizophrenia marihuana” into google, and click the first link.
Nice to see some intelligent discussion about this. Thanks and I hope you get to have an epiphany (sp?) in your lifetime.
One possible common factor: people who have schizophrenia in their genes have a strong likelihood of having parents / relatives that have it. Perhaps the higher stress involved in such a situation would cause them to seek escape with drugs.
Correlation does not equal causation. Those studies do not show that marijuana / psychedelics are harmful.
Just as I thought…I’m only finding correlational studies presented. These studies does not mean the drugs caused it.
For example: suppose a study found ice cream sales to be linked with murder rates. Does that indicate that people murder more because they more ice cream? Or perhaps there is a common factor such as the temperature is hot and therefore people eat more ice cream and are more aggressive.
the problem with drugs is that the overwhelm the pineal gland and lead to ‘calcification’ of the pineal gland when the drugs aren’t being used. one has to ask themselves do they want to fry their brain by a spiritual reality overload or do they want a constant moderate drip feed of spiritual realitiy that meditation can give.. i find the latter more useful to my life. implicating solutions is easier. also drugs feed the myth of the materialistic mindset.
nice video!!
Are all Canadians same as this guy?