part of the responsibility that comes with being a Hybrid class. You have more skills than your opponents and should use them effectively.
Integrating Your Skills with a Paladin PvE Guide
The thing about Paladins though is that they are not any one thing. They have too many options to be just one thing. Every raid will have at least two or three Paladins along for their Blessings and Auras. You may be one of those Paladins, and you’d better know how to use them properly. Additionally, you may be brought along to produce a bit of side healing or off tanking.
The odds are that you will never be called upon for DPS, but it’s not impossible, so be aware of the talents you have and how you can use them as an off tank should the need ever arise.
Ultimately, as a Paladin, you should be prepared for just about anything that might come your way. It’s your role to be a solid, well played hybrid class that can move between roles seamlessly and with high skill. With luck, you’ll find a Paladin PvE Guide that can help you do that as well as possible.
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