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The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future

Rating: (out of 11 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 16.50

Price: CDN$ 10.26

5 Responses to The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future

  • Cougarmint says:

    Review by Cougarmint for The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future
    I too, am a newcomer to the world of the Tarot, but this book is great. It’s easy to understand, it’s positive, and it even includes meditations and spiritual guidences to enhance your readings.The only draw back to this is that the editors of this book did a horrible job presenting it, and therefore I agree with most of the reviewers when this is brought up. The example I found on this was page 84, second paragrapgh, where it reads “(See Chapter 4 for descriptions of the Court Cards as representational of people.)” The editors changed it, putting the Trumps in Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 actually displays the information.All in all, I would say that this is one of the best books for beginners out there, despite the bad editing job (I hope Ms. Abadie finds a better publisher, for the Adams Media Publishers gave it no justice what so ever). I give it four stars only for the editing job, but the content truly deserves five stars.If you can look past that, you’re on your way to learning the Tarot fast and easy.Now, some may think that this book has ‘misinformation,’ but there is a difference between misinformation and opinions. Misinformation is that. It would be like telling someone that the Tarot can be played like playing cards, which we all know is not true. On the other hand, everyone has their own opionion, their own interpetation, of how the tarot works. This book is not misinformation, but an opinion from one person’s view about the Tarot and the messages the cards give. While to some it may not click, to others, it might. You just have to see for yourself if the book, as with all books on this subject, is right for you. The truth is, there is no ‘right way’ or ‘wrong way’ to interpet the Tarot, and even Ms. Abadie says that herself. The Tarot, over time, becomes personalized to you, and your interpetations will differ from others. Like all divination tools, it’s a ‘to each his own’ basis. After all, if everyone interpeted the Tarot one way, how would it tell you ‘your future?’ The only way the Tarot can can truly tell your future is by what oneself feels is right. It all comes down to one person, and that is you. Whether you agree to one book or another, its your choice, as long as you do not abuse the readings or harm others in doing so.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future
    This book is very fun easy to read, I couldn’t put the book down! When I was done reading this book, I felt more comfortable with the basic interpretations of the cards, even the reversals. She also teaches basic astrology, numerology, a little history, meditation techniques, etc. If you are a beginner, I would definately recommend this book along with “A Complete Guide to the Tarot” by Eden Gray, which got very good reviews, and it’s only 6.99. Both of these books combined together will give you a very good foundation for tarot card reading, interpretation and awakening, take my word for it! Have fun reading!

  • Rexenne Reeves says:

    Review by Rexenne Reeves for The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future
    This book explains the tarot, the history behind tarot, as well as astrological references, Numerology, includes 10 spreads, tips and ways to shuffle and clear your deck by earth, air, fire or water.
    I highly recommend this book to anyone who is just starting out with the Tarot. The text is easily understood by anyone!

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future
    This book is great. true, the editing is not the greatest, but the way the author puts all of the information is amazing. she brings in the ideas of the cards from several different decks, which I found helped me in my readings. in addition, she goes in great depth in the explanation of each individual card. which is great if your a beginner. i’ve read several tarot books, and this one by far, is the easiest to understand. i recommend it to anyone who is beginning or just wants a different point of view on the cards.

  • Todd Hawley says:

    Review by Todd Hawley for The Everything Tarot Book: Reveal Your Past, Inform Your Present, And Predict Your Future
    In my current studies of the tarot, I’ve looked through several books on the subject. All of them had good information. However, I felt this book covered the “basics” much better than other books I’ve read. From the book’s beginning, where it tells you how to interpret your cards and how to handle them, through Part II (The Major Arcana), which contains chapters on Symbolic Interpretation & Astrological Correspondences of the Major Arcana, and using the Major Arcana as trump cards in a reading, to Part III (descriptions of the Minor Arcana in general, and descriptions of each suit), to Part IV (doing a reading), it contains a wealth of information. I especially liked the different meanings behind the Major Arcana cards, as well as the chapter on various card spreads (horseshoe, horoscope, seven-card spread, etc). Up until now, I mostly had only known of the Traditional Celtic Cross spread. It’s nice to know there are others as well.The book also contains brief descriptions of what each individual number card and court cards means. That is also helpful in doing a reading. It’s obvious to me in reading this book that the author put a lot of work into writing it and is serious about the accuracy of the information contained within it. Well worth buying if you wish to learn more about The Tarot.I do agree with other reviewers about the editing. It mars an otherwise excellent book.

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