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The Feminine Power of the Full Moon in Gemini and Venus in Sagittarius

Even if Thanksgiving is over I still feel as if it is a special time of the year and somehow holidays. And it is! The year is nearing towards its end; Christmas is almost there and we have to decide how we want to spend that time. Christmas is always the best with children and I remember fondly my childhood Christmases with my family. They would be the baking of cookies and the preparation of handcrafted gifts for my parents. I remember evenings with candle light and Christmas music.

Maybe we do not need to spend big money to make it a memorable time and we can get creative in how to create something special for our family. With the economical challenges we are facing there is definitely an incentive given for creating new rituals and ways to celebrate without spending a fortune.

This weeks forecast from Monday November 30 to December 7, 2009
is centered on the feminine with the Full Moon opposing Sun in Sagittarius joined by a wide opposition of Venus. But you will also find value in the discussion if you just want to look up information about the planets in their signs.

Full Moon in Gemini on Tuesday

The Moon is representing the principle of life and life sustaining nourishment, the archetypal mother and child. The Moon is how we feel and perceive life. It is our emotional filter and inner ground we stand on. The Moon in our personal charts is indicating what we need to feel safe and comfortable and gives insights into our family dynamics in our family of origin.

The Full Moon is at her fullest power and extension and is accompanied by a high level of awareness with the opposing Sun giving the fullest light of consciousness.  Full Moons keep my

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