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Principle 3: Endorphins give a sense of well-being

Endorphins, substances produced by the brain, give a sense of well-being, and help bodies cope with stress and other ailments. In a company, training and development generate endorphins which are released when an employee with untapped potential is nurtured within the right environment. Employees are thus motivated to contribute more effectively in their respective roles that transcend their job descriptions.

Some managers view training and development as heavy expenditures as trained staff may eventually resign. However, there is a fallacy in such an argument as investing in people does pay dividends, companies that emphasise training and development are placing their best bets on the future because they bet on their people’s potential for further growth. Companies really cannot afford not to train their staff, as it may lead to ignorance, which is a higher cost to any company.

Principle 4: Change mental attitudes to build financial health

It is often said: “The difference between heaven and hell is not the altitude but the attitude.” Medical science has generally found that in psychosomatic ailments, a person’s mental attitude, mindset and psyche can have a tremendous impact on his physical health. When your mental attitude is negative, you may feel chronically depressed and hopeless, which will drive the immune system into a self-destructive mode where viruses can easily establish a foothold. In sick companies, employees tend to wallow in self-pity, lick their own wounds or play the game of shame and blame.

They may place blame on everything conceivable: intense competition, demanding customers, incompetent bosses

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