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Health & Yoga Therapy

The World Health Organisation defines health as a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being & not merely an absence of

disease and infirmity. WHO also suggests a fourth dimension – spiritual well-being. It is clear from this definition that health should

be conceived as a continous function indicating the state of well-being and not a lack of ill health.

The approach of Yoga Therapy is based on the holistic concept of human being; the five ” sheaths ” of existence of which the physical sheath ( Annamaya Kosha ) is only the first. The second is the Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha ), that is made up of the Vital Energy called Prana which flows through invisible channels called Nadis. The third is the Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha ) The fourth is the Intellectual Sheath ( Vijnanamaya Kosha ) and the final sheath is the Bliss Sheath ( Ananda Maya Kosha ). The Bliss Sheath is found to consist of the positive energy associated with the Divine Self. It is from this sheath that the inner peace

characteristic of true Bliss emanates.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

Disease is defined as any imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence. Ego Consciousness, which is centered around the Self, predominates in the physical, vital & mind sheaths. Harmony in these sheaths can be easily disturbed as the ego is up in arms against the world most of the time. The fourth & the fifth sheaths are permeated by a larger, Cosmic Consciousness and cannot be disturbed as they

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