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Exactly what is shamanism. Is it only spirituality and working on self-spiritual evolution? In this show we take a journey to the dark side – the dark side of shamanism – in my interview with Prof. Neil Whitehead, who was the victim of a Kanaima, or dark shaman attack in Guyana, South America. This show focuses on countering the New Age presentations of “shamanism” in Western culture, and seeks to create balance, as well as educate about the dangers of dark shamanism – and the ignorance thereof.

13 Responses to The Fractal Shaman

  • ShaktipatSeer says:

    hehe =) not sure found it randomly on the youtubes

  • MaBu888 says:

    The song takes out of the sleep people think they are awake through. Lucid now.

  • MaBu888 says:

    @SeekingSelf & also it came to be known that the human race is a composite of in addition to early forms of homo sapiens, some 22 alien races’ DNA.

  • MaBu888 says:

    This means that panspermia is pretty valid.

  • MaBu888 says:

    @SeekingSelf He also discovered that 99 % of the non-glowing stuff in our galaxy has the same light frequency as bacteria – i.e. all the asteroid/dust fields!

  • faszika says:

    what doc is this from?

  • SeekingSelf says:

    Francis Crick discovered the DNA molecule while on LSD, which he wont the nobel prize for.

  • zezt says:

    VERY Powerful!

  • UTSLC801 says:

    5 stars for sure

  • GnosticMedia says:

    This is only a short clip of the full interview. In the full length interview this is all discussed, however Michael thinks it can be dismissed and avoided…
    Go to the website and check it out.

  • Teleterkji says:

    Read Michael Harners Hallucinogens and Shamanism.
    There he speaks of the dark side of black magic shamanism.
    And, he is also a Shaman.
    One who Says.

  • DecentralizedByGuilt says:

    gnosticmedia. com
    click on the right: “podcast radio interviews & more…”
    Then scroll way down to Neil Whitehead
    podcast number 006

  • Leakyleper says:

    I look forward to checking out the rest of the interview. Thanks for the work.

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