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energy burning sources, the earth’s temperature will increase by 1-5 Degrees Celsius by 2100. Apparently this would cause a massive calamity. The culprits are rich countries who burn non-renewal fossil fuels. Developing countries including China and India are not to blame. In addition to policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nations should use other mechanisms to meet their commitments in a cost-effective way. Such mechanisms include international emissions trading, the clean development mechanism and joint implementation. In other words, don’t reduce your emissions, just pay someone else to buy their ‘credits’.

The philosophy is badly flawed and utopian – like any fascist cult. The science behind global warming is so bad that 18.000 Climatologists and Scientists have signed a petition stating that it is junk science. Politicians tell you that the scientific community is united on global warming. It isn’t. Only 800 environmental activists and government scientists support the idea. The idea that somehow the earth is not going through a natural climate cycle has never been seriously refuted. Data seems to indicate that there are regular occurrences like the little ice age and the medieval warm period in a rough 1500 year cycle. This cycle has repeated itself endlessly over the past 140.000 years. For example the earth was much warmer during the Medieval Warm Period 900-1400 AD. This warm spell ended around 1350-1400 and the temperature decreased precipitating the ‘Little Ice Age’ [1400-1900]. IPCC models can’t explain these temperature swings.

In the 20th century any temperature increase apparently occurred in two phases, during 1910-1945 and from 1975-2000. The first

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