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The Great Spirit

The Great Spirit


We are returning to a time, a season, and place on the wheel and cycle of life wherein we’ve been before, but who remembers? Messages, codes, and clues have been left for us by previous civilizations about what is to come. Some would even say that we’ve left ourselves messages from the past so that we won’t have to repeat past mistakes.

Our western prejudices are all too well chronicled!

The Indian tribes of the Americas have great wisdom to pass on to us as we come to experience this ending cycle of life and enter into the new; however, the question is will we humble ourselves and listen to what the wise from the past have to tell us?

Or, will we shy away from the oracles of the shamans, witch doctors, and medicine men (our language of fear) which they saw as healers, priests, judges, forecasters, story tellers, and time keepers? Will the monotheists partake of Father Sun and Mother Earth that the Hopi beckon us to receive? Will the polytheists, the deists, the theists join the animists of the past and receive the wisdom that they have to impart?

Or, will our prejudice, bias, and spiritual blindness hold us back?

We are in that window of change known as 2012. Nothing exactly will happen on December 21, 2012 except that we will see the coming and going of the winter solstice; however, between 1986 and 2016 we will see and are seeing some tumultuous physical and social events taking place. The real test of the 2012 Final Fantasy is how will we respond? Will we hear and become one with what the ancient Indian cultures called the

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