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The ?Green? Printing Movement

The new trend making its way into our lives is quickly catching on. Many are jumping fast on the “go green” bandwagon. Several companies are cashing in. Printing companies are no exception.

Environmentally friendly printing is printing for the new age. Polls have shown that people the ages of eighteen to twenty nine are more likely to buy organic or environmentally friendly products and services than are other age groups. Therefore, these printing companies are making sure to appeal to this age group. In order to become more “organic,” the print companies are using more natural products including recycled paper and soy or vegetable oil based ink.

As part of the “green” movement, these print companies use soy based ink instead of traditional petroleum based ink.  The original petroleum based inks have some drawbacks; they can cause short and long term health effects including releasing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that reduce indoor air quality. Ink derived from soy beans was originally developed for newspaper printing yet has been used for other products including business cards and product catalogs. The benefits of using soy or vegetable oil based ink are: this ink is environmentally friendly (some even release no VOCs into the air), paper printed using this ink can be easily deinked making it easier to recycle, and the colors tend to be brighter as well.

In addition, recycled paper being used more and more as people become concerned with helping to save the environment. Recycled paper goes through a process in order to be used again. It is first washed and deinked and then made into pulp. The pulp then goes through a bleaching process and it formed into paper by draining the water and

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