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internal confusion and pain. The scar from the wound becomes a source of inspiration and empowerment. A new purpose is realized as wounded healers awaken to Divine Grace and the radiant wonder of the universe.

The Gift of Service

Wounded healers are often working in service to others through their careers. Because they have experienced a death of their psyches, wounded healers have the unique ability to fearlessly channel spiritual wisdom, combined with their own humanity and unfolding life story and through their passionate personal stories. They have the ability to go beyond mind and perceive life as a gift of evolutionary growth. They also gain the discernment and wisdom to choose a conscious life of power and purpose. Wounded healers empowered by their own healing path are mystics who have traveled the emotional dark underworlds of human misery and survived to tell others what a beautiful blessing life is.

Blessings on You O Children of Ancient Days

May you grow strong and tall and full of grace.

May you run straight and true and keep your pace.

May God’s light shine for you your way ahead

and darkness and peril ne’er draw near to you.

O children, dear to my heart,

may you know joy in all your doings

and such success, strength and true happiness

that all who know you may count you truly blessed.

O sweet spirits,

knoooow love,

beeee loved.

And listen–softly now–to that sweet, siren song of your soul

that you may see all that is true

praying across the deep to you.

-Melissa Osborne (aka Lyrica)

Pamela Wells authored and illustrated a Collectors Edition guidebook and card set for women called Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess – Spiritual Guidebook & 22 Wisdom Cards for Contemplation and Prayer. This boxed set is available now at

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