The Heroic Generation That Changed the World: Part I
Who would you be without a dream, without a quest, without a consuming desire to change the world in some small or great way, a change only you can make?
Consider this…
There is a generation of children growing up in our country. Their dreams are mere fantasies now. In time these silent urgings will take root, blossom, and mature into great life-dreams. Like all the generations before they will pursue these dreams, fulfilling the ageless miracle of rebirth born into the hearts of countless heroes. But this new generation will be different. Far different. And that difference will touch us all in ways we can barely imagine.
The newest generation was born into a mean world
This, the newest generation was born into a mean world. A very, very mean place. When you subtract the inevitable wars of their lifetime (there have always been wars), when you take away the crime, the poverty, the infectious diseases, (each in constant ebb and flow), this generation will bear the cruelest fate of all.
No other generation has been called to bear the terrible burden they alone have already been singled out to carry. No other children in the history of the world will know their terrible agony. And it has already begun.
If you will listen closely, if you will observe with eyes wide open, you will see what has never been seen before. You will hear silent cries growing in every place children inhabit. The pain of your close attention will pierce your heart, and you will cry, cry shamelessly from your depths, and you will ask, “What can be done? What can I do?” From this will a new hero arise?
Understand the special tragedy unfolding