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collective quest? Will we allow ourselves to doubt that we each, together, individually, can make a difference?

Who would you be without a dream, without a quest, without a consuming desire to change the world in some small or great way, a change only you can make?

There is a generation of children growing up in our country. Their dreams are mere fantasies now. In time these silent urgings will take root, blossom, and mature into great life-dreams… but only with your heroic quest.

If not you, who?

If not now, when?

The newest generation was born into a mean world.

It is the quest of our heroic generation to change that mean world into a world of celebration.

Are you part of that heroic generation?

Next week:

What we can do, what we must do, and how we will do it.

The Heroic Generation that Changed the World: Part 2


No matter what you may dream, build, develop, or accomplish in this life, remember now, with a daily burning memory, that for you, for them, for the eternities, love only remains.

So chose this day what love you wish to remain. Whatever you create from this day forward will be your lasting memorial. A life-lived memorial of love.

This is the core, the true identity of the lasting hero. A real hero.

Ask yourself each day, as you close your eyes for the night: Have I been a hero today?

© 2007 Boyd L. Jentzsch

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