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victory at war, some believe that the chariot card has more to do with the temperance card and a victory over chastity.

It was commonly believed, and still is in parts of the world, that if a soldier is forbidden from engaging in sexual activity before battle, he will fight harder, stronger and longer.

So it is possible that there is a connection between a war and a purity origin for the Chariot card. The idea of abstaining from sexual contact is still in common use today, but in a much gentler context in the world of professional and amateur sports.

While the exact origins of each card, and each character will always be a subject of debate, it is safe to say that as different tarot decks evolved in different spots around the world, the meaning of each character differed.

The Chariot card had a closer tie to keeping your spiritual purity and physical purity while you are committing the unspeakable acts of war, while in other parts of the world, the historical meaning of the card points more to control over the uncertainties of life, much like the Wheel of Fortune card.

Of course, as is the case with all modern tarot, the exact interpretation of The Chariot will depend largely on the question asked and the tone set by the rest of the cards during your reading.

Modern interpretations of The Chariot range from positives like power, victory, honor and pride, to negatives such as egocentrism, inflexibility, impulsivity and anxiety.

Of course, if the card appears reversed in any readings, those associations would be reversed as well in the context of the original question asked.

One theme that has been associated

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