I, the Olympic Games as they are known today did not exist for 1500 years. Interest in reviving the event really didn’t occur until a wealthy Greek philanthropist by the name of Evangelos Zappas decided to sponsor his version of the Olympic Games. In 1859, an international Olympic Games was successfully held in Athens. Zappas later paid to refurbish the ancient Panathenian Stadium and another event was held in 1870 and then again in 1875.
Although these first events only included athletes from Greece and the Ottoman Empire, the event slowly spread throughout the world and developed into the Olympic Games we know today – with more than 205 nations participating in this major international event.
Baxter Owens is the developer of the Elite Sports International website. EliteSI.com offers select athletes the opportunity to participate in sporting events, including the Elite Sports International King Kamehameha International. Check out ESI’s Elite Sports International volleyball site.
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