A holiday song written for everyone – enjoy! That is, it’s intended to be inclusive rather than exclusive. Feel free to learn it an add your own verses: the chords are G – D – Am – C for the verse, and Em – A – Em – A – Em – A – C – D for the chorus. Credits: singer-songwriter-guitar player Dai Cooper; friends-backup singers Scarlett Cooper (sister), Ranu Saroha and Brenda Yuen. Special thanks to: my godfather Uncle Robbie Walker for invaluable advice on the chorus; backup dancer Anu Saroha; and Jenna McBride for lending us her USB cable on Christmas Eve Please note this video is not a platform for rudeness. Happy Celebrations everyone! *** Lyrics: I’d like to wish my Jewish friends a happy Chanukkah the holy oil should have burned in one, but for eight days it did last And let’s wish to all our pagan friends a magic winter solstice The longest night all year won’t end the light, the sun, the goddess Let’s sing to all our Muslim friends, “I hope your Eid is really nice.” May it remind us of God’s greatness, and of faith and sacrifice [Chorus]: I’m glad for your traditions, whatever they may be Symbolic difference can’t obscure our shared humanity And so my wish to you my friends, cross-culture inter-nation, May you have a happy peaceful celebration! I’d like to wish a merry Christmas to my Christian friends today Jesus was born unto the world in a manger filled with hay Let’s celebrate African-American heritage and say to our friends “Joyful Kwanzaa” We’ll honor all …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

[It has been scientifically proven that the latter half of this video will sound better through headphones.] I’ve emphasized the instruments thing in my video, but repairing/stringing old instruments and getting them and a gaggle of musicians to remote communities up north is an expensive venture! Monetary donations sure would be helpful too. To find out more about all that good stuff (and hear some of the kids’ songs, f’realz!) go to www.artscancircle.ca My special guest for this episode has his own YouTube channel: www.youtube.com The song we play under the P4A logo is “The Christians & The Pagans” by Dar Williams. We like her.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
my dad loves boats as much if not more than he loves mandolins! we should set up a play date for them.
Happy p4a!
I giggled so hard at the first part that I got the hiccoughs, and then I smiled all the way through the second part. Thanks, love. Give my best to your family.
Yay music!
I love the music charities! Music is made of win and anything that promotes that rocks in my book!
Thanks for standing up for music!
ooh! My dad plays the mandolin too (or at least he was trying to learn before he took off around the world in a boat)
Thanks for your support! DFTBA!
great idea!