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The Horoscope Of Jesus: Part 2

I’ve read through my copy of the Women’s Weekly (January 2007) as part of my preparation for today’s sermon.

Anyway, I went straight to the Magi page – the 2007 Horoscope by Jessica Adams (senior astrologer in the Women’s Weekly’s court of the magi).

My stars looked quite enticing at first glance this year. Apparently all my personal struggles are due to come to an end!

“If you’ve had ongoing anxieties about a rival, opponent or object of loathing … this issue will disappear or your attitude relax.” That’s encouraging, isn’t it? Jessica even gives a date for this turn-around. “Mark September 2nd in your diary.” Not so encouraging! I wish she’d left that out!

Indeed, as I read through my future for the year to come, it seems advisable that I go to sleep for at least the first six months, as my fortunes aren’t really set to improve until we get towards the end of the year!

Mind you, I am encouraged in the mean time to “forget the man who was such hard work, or the prolonged shortage of suitable partners.” (I assume she means ‘business partners’)

Now, I need to be honest with you and confess that I don’t really put a lot of trust in these astrologers – not Jessica Adams, nor Athena Stargazer, nor Zelda the Gypsy nor even Bob the Psychic. Indeed, in case you hadn’t picked it up, I actually regard the entire business of astrology with a fair degree of cynicism. And I’m in good company, for our forefathers and foremothers in the faith held to a strong tradition of decrying and even ridiculing the practice of stargazing!

The Old Testament prophets took the lead in this regard, veritably railing against the pagan

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