The Idea Behind Protection Spells
Ancient cultures believed that the most powerful organ in our body was the Eye. They held the Eye in high esteem. They also believed that just by looking at people, we can impart negative energies into them and make then sick. They devised many ways to ward off evil energies they called the Evil Eye.
By putting symbols that were specifically designated for “protection”, they believed that the evil effects would be averted. Some of the cultures used iron or other metal amulets for protection. Others used parts of dead animals such as a leopard’s foot or an elephant’s tusks to thwart evil. Some people used animal skins assuming that the properties of the animals would be passed on to them.
The sacred Pentagram offered protection to everyone no matter how it was fashioned. Sometimes, it was worn in pendants, stitched on clothes, etc. Many of the magickal symbols are still used for protection.
Travel was another time that people felt vulnerable. So they fashioned items, stones, rocks, twigs, etc to take with them that would provide them protection from roving unfriendly energies. Animal energies and spirits of the dead were the greatest threat to humans traveling through forests or unknown territories.
People started protecting their houses, animals, property and even nature by creating amulets or charms that reflected or deflected uncooperative energies. Mirrors were also used to reflect evil energy. Rocks, gemstones, certain shrubs, leaves, wood from certain trees, garlic, certain spices, etc were used in charms that were carried for protection or to decorate houses for protection.
Before people performed magickal incantations, they would clear the
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