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The idea that Darwin made an important scientific discovery after his voyages is a deception

The idea that Darwin made an important scientific discovery after his voyages is a deception

Darwinists may imagine that Darwin made stunning discoveries following his voyages on HMS Beagle, and that he developed the idea of evolution that way.

What Darwin actually did on the Beagle is this: Darwin embarked on a naval adventure lasting several months, yelling out with drunken crew members. He collected plants and insects, but did not go to the bother of looking after them, and just set them to one side (One can find details in his autobiography). What people think of as scientific research is Darwin’s naval trip spent drinking with members of the crew. Darwin later proposed the twisted ideas of his grandfather, a freemason, as if they were a great scientific discovery and led masses of people to a pagan religion.

Neither during this voyage nor after it did Darwin have any scientific discovery or evidence. He merely sought to maintain a heresy inherited from his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. Darwin at that time imagined that the cell was a balloon full of water. He was ignorant of the science of genetics. He was not even familiar with the electron microscope. The only thing he knew was the need for transitional fossils if his claims were to be confirmed as true. But he also knew that no such thing existed. He therefore openly stated that “future generations” would find these as yet undiscovered imaginary transitional forms, OTHERWISE HIS THEORY WOULD COLLAPSE. Darwin’s exact words read:

… Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the

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