The IDoser Takes Center Stage on the New Age of Digital Drugs
iDozer Binaural Beat MP3 Downloads have been around for a few years now and have helped millions of people cope with a wide array of issues including complete relaxation. A new wave of binaural beat enthusiasts that have emerged from a demographic – the youth. iDozers is the street term for binaural beats that are used to bring upon a drug like state or a buzzed like state from alcohol depending on the specific binaural beat that you expose yourself to.Digital Drugs are way less harmful than traditionally ingested alcohol or drugs and can help you avoid embarrassing moments during random drug screenings. The issue that most opponents have with recreational drug use is that it can become addictive and send your life into a tailspin destroying your ability to function normally Long, exhausting, work days can drive us to hit the bar after work.
Instead, you can listen to your iDozer MP3 on the way home from work and instantly unwind without having to pay for a beer or two and wait for the buzz to kick it. Before you know it, you’ll be in the comfort of your home fully recharged and ready to truly begin your day. With the iDozer MP3 random drug tests will no longer be a source for anxiety. and you will completely avoid the next day hangover.Just to clarify, iDozers are a part of the Binaural Beat Family.
Authorities have tried to suppress the wide public distribution of these Digital Drugs or iDozers. iDozers are becoming increasingly popular with the youth and the authorities have begun to take note Due to the stigma of