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which make you who you are. These facets will be brought to surface and reflected in the unique relationships, circumstances and people you choose to get involved with. This illogical quest for the other is divine in nature. How could it be otherwise?

Some of you may say that attraction to certain relationships is obvious. [Nothing very mysterious, at all.}The ‘all too common’ desperate seed of loneliness, boredom, and/or restlessness begins to stir pushing its way to the surface seeking union. And, I say “I beg to differ.” Holding at bay that apparent lame excuse, something far more inexplicable is at work. Something beneath the obvious that is pulling your strings. What could that mysterious impetus be? SCENT. That’s right. The smell of the encounter has inadvertently caught your nose. And, like that same Blue Tick hound in heat, you’re fast on the trail of your new found fascination no matter where it leads. No matter the briars, brambles and overgrown weeds; nothing will stop you (short of debilitating illness) in capturing and maintaining the passionate sensual aroma which has so concretely arisen in your life. This Divinely manufactured indelibly imprinted scent locks onto its duplicate with ‘no holds barred.’ “IT” is the honing apparatus of delirious pleasure sought and fulfilled in sacred union.

There’s an ongoing debate with chemists as to whether scent is triggered by receptors or vibrations. {Another lengthy article of discussion for another time} Either way, the point remains: certain fragrances work specifically for you and only YOU! Imagine walking into a Bakery where several different delicious aromas linger in the air. Notice how you immediately are drawn to a specific scent.

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