The Magic Energy Of Words ~ The Sound and Symbol Of Healing, Abundance, Love & Joy!
Words are power.
We can affect another persons entire state of being simply by the words we use, and that is only one level of the power they posses. In this article we will explore why words are so powerful- and I will give you simple techniques to use in your own life to help you harness that power and use it for healing, empowerment, abundance, prayer and joy! Words, as we commonly work with them, have two expressions- spoken and written. Let’s explore these in turn.
The Spoken Word
When we speak a word, a complex range of vibrations is created within our bodies that is projected into the world around us. Sound vibrations have form, substance and a predictable flow.
Our minds conjure up what we want to say, our heart backs it up with the appropriate emotional charge (love, desire, anger, etc.) and our body responds by flexing and expanding in many places to create a sound vibration. This wave leaves us and hits the atmosphere around us, touching and affecting everyone and everything it passes. On the spiritual level- the mental and emotional charge behind a vibrational wave impacts what the wave hits, creating a subtle affect. Maybe our parents were onto something when they told us to never gossip or say bad things about people! On the energetic level, sound waves do not ‘die’ when we can no longer perceive them with out senses. They continue to move forth, expanding into the greatness of the cosmos- our words affect everything!
In most spiritual, magical and mystical paths on the planet- speaking words of power is paramount to creating an energetic change. Spells, incantations, liturgies, empowered prayers, etc. are recited time and time again, adding to the stockpile of collective consciousness that backs the sound each time it is resonated. When done with true understanding of the words power- a fine-tunes force can be placed behind it that ensures it will create the desired ‘magical’ change as it expands into the universe.
The Written Word
Much like the spoken word, the written word also carries great influential power. No matter what language we speak or write, letters are merely symbols for a sound. As a collective, we all see the letter ‘A’ and are aware of the vibrational wave it creates when sounded- and thus the symbol becomes married with the power.
When we write words, just like when we speak them, they will affect a change in those who read them. Think about how you react when you see the words ‘stop’, ‘free’, ‘sale’, ‘love’ and ‘no’. Although the words I am typing now have a neutral meaning- there is also a deeper level of resonance that carries through them like a pipe based on my intentions in writing. If you are experiencing a tone of seriousness, concern that this information will be used in proper ways and a sense of spiritual channeling; you’re tapped into the psychic level of these words!
Since time immemorial, symbols have been used both to harness and call forth a specific power. Letters that represent sound vibrations are one of the most powerful on the planet (think about the Sanskrit letter for ‘AUM/OM’ and the meaning behind intoning that sound!). In the modern day- most of how we interact with other people is based on the written word with text and email- and so our awareness of the hidden power of the written word is more crucial than ever!
Why Words Make Magic
You are an individual being with unique likes, dislikes, soul, history, desires, fears, etc. From you comes a vibratory field (often the same field perceived by psychics allowing them to read you!) that represents or symbolizes the totality of who you are. Similarly, spoken words as vibrations and written words as symbols also give off this ‘energy signature’ that is unique to each combination of sounds or letter symbols. When two people come together, their energy fields merge creating a third ‘vibration between’. When many letters are written into a word or toned into a word they merge and become a unique vibrational field. When vibrations interact with other vibrations change and new force arises. Think of this in terms of throwing a stone into a pond- ripples!
Speaking a word carries its unique vibrational signature out to the world where it will affect all other fields it encounters. The same applies to writing words.
The Karma Of Words
As we learned above, the sound vibration from speaking a word or the symbolic vibration from writing a word symbol carries afr further than we can imagine with linear minds. Eventually, it is no longer empowered for one reason or another and hits the parabola of its cosmic tour… what then? Return to sender!
What you speak, you will hear. What you write, you will read.
Whatever we create in this world we must, at some point, recon with. The vibrations we send out in any form will eventually go ‘full cosmic circle’ and come back to us. If we have used our vibrational powers to bless and love- we will receive this Divine force back tenfold as it receives power with each field it positively affects. If we have used vibrational powers of hate, we will receive it back even greater as it gets empowered by the chaos and imbalance it creates. Thinking before we speak or write is one of the best forms of spiritual medicine we can take! Imagine that short pause and deep breath that happens before we let our mouths create vibrations without control and how much cleaning up we could do with it!
Working With The Power Of Words
Although this article is FAR from exhaustive and holistic on the topic, I would like to offer you some simple yet highly powerful techniques you can start using right away to initiate yourself into the ways of word magic. Please ensure that your integrity, intention and compassion are in good repair before working with any forms of energy harnessing.
? Say the magic word! ? Send out waves of gratitude by ensuring you say ‘please’, thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’ whenever possible. These simple phrases really are the ‘magic words’ because in pure simplicity they express gratitude, compassion, love, kindness and respect!
? Pray With The Pen ? The next time you sit for a good prayer session, bring a pen and paper along! Once you have spoken your prayers aloud, write down positive and present forms of those prayers (love, healthy, wealthy, harmony, etc.) in black ink. Please the paper in a special spot and allow it to be your ambassador to the universe- sending a constant stream of vibration to the cosmos!
? Say It AND Spray It! ? Grab a clean, clear glass bottle and write words of power all over the outside of it with a black ‘magic’ marker. Words like love, healthy, peace, joy, harmony, wealth, abundance, compassion, light, etc. are all great choices! Fill up every space you can with words that symbolize what you’d like to attract into your life. You may want to pray over or consecrate this jar once done to empower it with a spiritual charge. Once completed, you can either store written prayers or more powerfully, fill it with clean spring water. Allow a full day of partial sun to filter your words into the water- creating an extremely powerful spiritual elixir! You can sprinkle this water on yourself or around the house to empower and bless it. You may also want to consider placing a quartz crystal or other healing stone in the water to further amplify it’s vibrations. Water is the universal solvent- and is also a perfect energetic computer. What you put into it become part of it- making it ‘liquid power’! Every time I grab a new bottle of water I always grab a permanent marker too- writing on the outside a word of power that I’d like to open up to that day. Today’s ‘water bottle word’ was “Receptive”.
? Practice Makes Perfect! ? Try intoning words of power like a repetitive mantra when you need them. In stressful situations, prayerfully and powerfully intone ‘calm, balanced, courageous’. In times of illness or imbalance try ‘healthy, strong, whole and happy’. Create a personal and catchy strong of power words that are important to you and include a 5 minute toning session every day!
? Bless It Forward! ? Make it a point every day to bless others with your words. Tell people you appreciate them, tip those who serve you with words in addition to cash, let people know you notice the small stuff and appreciate their being part of your path. Write a few lines each day expressing what you are grateful for, what brought you joy and what the highlight of your day was.
What you speak about, you empower!
As much as this was quite the quick tour of word magic basics- I hope you will find a place in your daily spiritual working for this blessed art! As always, feel free to contact me with any questions and I will do my best to answer!
Peace, Blessings, Love, Joy, Health, Compassion, Abundance, Progress, Strength, Wisdom…
Josh Williams
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Josh Williams is a professional Psychic Adviser, Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Energy Healing Channel. For over 10 years he has been serving clients from all across the globe, acting as psychic client advocate, teaching meditation, ritual, manifesting and spirituality techniques and just loving life!
Josh has recently started offering a wisdom blog which is updated 5 times a week presenting practical but powerful spiritual wisdom for the modern day.
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